Climate in the 21st Century

Will Humankind see the 22nd Century?

  • Not a fucking chance

    Votes: 45 29.6%
  • Maybe. if we get our act together

    Votes: 38 25.0%
  • Yes, we will survive

    Votes: 69 45.4%

  • Total voters

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
He along with many others. Mostly Republicans pushing to keep the coal industry alive. There's a difference from pushing clean coal to reduce emissions and pushing it to appease their Republican donors like the Koch Brothers which is why the Republicans do it.
During the RINO Bush years and Obamas reign this all happened. Don't be trying to rewrite the dems out of the history of this. And Koch Bros are RINOs.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Well-Known Member
During the RINO Bush years and Obamas reign this all happened. Don't be trying to rewrite the dems out of the history of this. And Koch Bros are RINOs.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


Well-Known Member
During the RINO Bush years and Obamas reign this all happened. Don't be trying to rewrite the dems out of the history of this. And Koch Bros are RINOs.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
I'm flattered that you think I have that much influence but in no way did I rewrite history. Perhaps you should go back and read my post again.

"Mystics understand the roots of the Tao but not its branches; scientists understand its branches but not its roots. Science does not need mysticism and mysticism does not need science; but man needs both." — Fritjof Capra, book The Tao of Physics


Well-Known Member
Ha US Rep Adam Kinzinger was another RINO pushing this for years.
Why are people that have the same political views Republicans have had for years now RINO's? Reagan's a RINO? Nixon was RINO? John McCain was a RINO?

Look at what's happened to the Republican party. The nuts have taken over and if you don't espouse the extreme right wing agenda and embrace anti science and conspiracy theories you're a RINO these days. Colin Powell is a RINO. William F Buckley Jr would be a RINO today.

trump isn't a Republican and his views and the stuff he's pushing are not Conservative values.

It's sad to see how the Republican party has allowed itself to be hijacked by all these extremists. If you don't meet their new "Tests" then you're a RINO.

The really sick thing with these new so called "Pure Republicans" is that that they can't even articulate what being a Republican means. All they use are acronyms like "RINO" or LIB". That's the extent of their intellectual argument. It's either "You're a LIB" or "He's a RINO" yet they don't even know what that means.

It's just an ignorant "Us vs Them" argument.

Adam Kinzinger is a Real Republican with the balls to stand up and say enough is enough and not back down from trump and all the crazies chanting around him.

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
Why are people that have the same political views Republicans have had for years now RINO's? Reagan's a RINO? Nixon was RINO? John McCain was a RINO?

Look at what's happened to the Republican party. The nuts have taken over and if you don't espouse the extreme right wing agenda and embrace anti science and conspiracy theories you're a RINO these days. Colin Powell is a RINO. William F Buckley Jr would be a RINO today.

trump isn't a Republican and his views and the stuff he's pushing are not Conservative values.

It's sad to see how the Republican party has allowed itself to be hijacked by all these extremists. If you don't meet their new "Tests" then you're a RINO.

The really sick thing with these new so called "Pure Republicans" is that that they can't even articulate what being a Republican means. All they use are acronyms like "RINO" or LIB". That's the extent of their intellectual argument. It's either "You're a LIB" or "He's a RINO" yet they don't even know what that means.

It's just an ignorant "Us vs Them" argument.

Adam Kinzinger is a Real Republican with the balls to stand up and say enough is enough and not back down from trump and all the crazies chanting around him.
Because they fold to the Dems every time. Not all are RINOs. Kinzinger is a traitor as was McCain, Bush, Cheney.....

Kinzinger knows if Trump comes back he's toast. And like I've said before he sure does not represent his district. He is positioning himself to run as a Dem in the Joliet area next election.


Well-Known Member
Things are still worsening with la palma, all three vents were very active today and lava fountains were reaching 2,000 ft. The earth quakes are coming more often and getting bigger, 4.9 a couple days ago. There are funaroles opening away from the active vents, looking like this thing could get a lot worse.

Three Berries

Well-Known Member
Some La Palma doom porn for you...

I am posting here today because my entire digital platform portfolio has effectively been given a death hug. All of my social media accounts have been banned, and I am currently IP banned on any Google-based platform, along with Twitter and Facebook.
I am a geologist currently working as a contractor to discern and develop a plan of action in the event of a cataclysm originating from the island volcano, La Palma in the Canary Islands.
I have chosen this platform for this message as I believe it is one of very few left to openly discuss what some might deem as unapproved conversation. My message, and quite honestly a huge burden on my heart, is this—
The La Palma volcano has now entered a stage in its eruption whereas the odds of a massive landslide causing an equally massive tsunami are now at a 50/50 “teeter-totter” will-it-won’t-it stage. Essentially, the odds have been increasing every day, but new data from seismic monitors installed just days ago are now suggesting with great accuracy that major fault lines are failing. Last night, at around 5:45pm, a section of data came in that locked the odds at 50/50. Due to the nature of the volcano’s geological makeup, certain actions like ocean water entering the tubes or further seismic events are being constantly monitored as either one has the entire breadth of power required to trigger the slide.
However, as I said before, I am a contractor. Who I work for is under an NDA, so you’re going to have to discern for yourselves who it might be. Because of the decisions made by my employer-by-contract, I feel as if I have a unique duty in informing the masses (as best as I am currently allowed, hence my posting here) that they are not going to be making any action whatsoever in the event a tsunami approaches.
According to the memo I received, the decision was that any effort made to evacuate citizens will be untenable, and thus the need to even prepare or mitigate damages to life or property will not be executed. In laymen’s terms, if and when the volcano decides to fall it’s sides, it will release enough power to produce a tsunami large enough to completely wipe out every major city that is within 20 miles (US) inland and roughly 32 kilometers (EU/AF) from the broadside connection to the Atlantic Ocean. During the event, no action will be made to inform or protect a single soul except those who knew beforehand.
Please don’t mistake this moment. Prepare your families now and leave coastal towns NOW. Stay at family or friends’ houses further inland. Do this until the seismic activity has ceased.


Well-Known Member
Because they fold to the Dems every time. Not all are RINOs. Kinzinger is a traitor as was McCain, Bush, Cheney.....

Kinzinger knows if Trump comes back he's toast. And like I've said before he sure does not represent his district. He is positioning himself to run as a Dem in the Joliet area next election.
Oh look more Russian-esque propaganda from the resident spam troll. Funny how the sellout Trump cult RINO's are always so worried about the Republicans who are not willing to sell out their country's democracy to install a foreign dictator's puppet.
Screen Shot 2021-10-17 at 4.53.36 PM.png


Well-Known Member
Because they fold to the Dems every time. Not all are RINOs. Kinzinger is a traitor as was McCain, Bush, Cheney.....

Kinzinger knows if Trump comes back he's toast. And like I've said before he sure does not represent his district. He is positioning himself to run as a Dem in the Joliet area next election.



Well-Known Member
Yes Trump and almost all those around him use to be Dems at one time. I was too!
So you and other people that used to be Democrats are now claiming to be Republicans and the Republicans that were Republicans before you decided to become a Republican are now RINO's.

So in other words the Republican party was hijacked. Thanks for admitting to that. That means that today's Republicans are not actually Republicans but disenfranchised Democrats that now get to decide who is and who isn't a Republican.

Makes perfect sense. If you live in la la land.


Well-Known Member
Yes Trump and almost all those around him use to be Dems at one time. I was too!
So now that you all have decided to become Republicans after being Democrats you get to call those that are lifelong Republicans not Republicans? Dick Cheney is more Republican than trump is, ever has been, and ever will be. The same with Kinzinger.

You know the first Presidential election I voted in I voted for Reagan. He used to be the pillar of the Republican party. Now that all you newcomers have decided who is and isn't a RINO then Reagan is a RINO as well. So other than you and trump who's a real Republican and not a RINO? Steve King? sarah palin? What authority or experience do you have to be qualified to make that decision? How many Presidential elections have you voted in?
Well, boys & girls or whatever, the End of Humankind seems to be approaching relatively rapidly & it seems we/they can't/won't do fucking anything substantial to stop it.

In other words we're fucked as a species/organism & it appears that it's inevitable.

A new United Nations report shows the world is on a “catastrophic pathway” toward a hotter future unless governments make more ambitious pledges to cut greenhouse gas emissions, the head of the UN said last week.

That’s the latest blunt assessment by the United Nations in its 42 page report. The report says that most countries have failed to uphold promises to make deep cuts to greenhouse gas pollution, in order to avoid the most catastrophic effects of climate change.

According to the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, meeting the more ambitious target of a 2.7 degree Fahrenheit temperature rise would require eliminating fossil fuels almost entirely by 2050.

A review of all the national commitments submitted by signatories of the Paris climate accord until July 30, found that based on detailed information from signatories, this would result in emissions rising nearly 16 percent by 2030, compared with 2010 levels.

“The 16 percent increase is a huge cause for concern,” according to Patricia Espinosa, the UN’s chief climate negotiator, reports the BBC.

“It is in sharp contrast with the calls by science for rapid, sustained and large-scale emission reductions to prevent the most severe climate consequences and suffering, especially of the most vulnerable, throughout the world.”

This shows the world is heading in the wrong direction. Scientists recently confirmed that to avoid the worst impacts of hotter conditions, global carbon emissions needed to be cut by 45 percent by 2030.

That is only 14 years away folks, to curtail at the minimum & reduce simultaneously carbon emissions, or it's fucking game over.

Hah, Ha & Ha :)

What are the odds of that occuring?


The COP26 climate conference is scheduled to take place in Glasgow in just over six weeks’ time. The main focus of the event is to keep alive hopes of limiting the rise in global temperatures by persuading nations to cut their emissions.

Yet, out of the 191 countries taking part in the agreement, only 113 have so far come up with improved pledges. Alok Sharma, the British minister who will chair the COP26 conference, said nations that had ambitious climate plans were “already bending the curve of emissions downwards.”

“But without action from all countries, especially the biggest economies, these efforts risk being in vain,” Sharma added. A recent study by Climate Action Tracker found that of the G20 group of leading industrial nations, only a handful including the UK and the US have strengthened their targets to cut emissions.

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Based on the data from the Climate Action Tracker, it is apparent that many countries are trying to fall in line with their targets, but the UN is still waiting for updated plans from many asshole countries. “There are some real laggard nations that we hope to hear from,” says the policy director for the Climate and Energy Program at the Union of Concerned Scientists. They include China, which is the largest emitter of greenhouse gases, as well as Japan, Australia, South Korea, and Brazil.

Another analysis shows that China, India, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey – together responsible for 33 percent of greenhouse gases – have yet to submit updated plans, like not even a fucking word


Additionally, the study finds that Brazil, Mexico, and Russia all expect their emissions to grow rather than shrink.

Yup, we're on the right track alright.


Humankind will abandon all tribal instincts & greed & come together and save the Planet!!!

I doubt it

This ain't fucking Hollywood, you dumb fucks, & I don't see a happy ending here.

None whatsoever.

Reality is a bitch, ain't it.

Wear a mask/get a jab :)
The planet is no fucking danger at all it has been around for 4 and a half million million years and will still be there when we are gone. Anthropogenic global warming is bullshit. There have been around 5 major periods of glaciation in the last 600 thousand years, ALL ended with massive increases in CO2 only problem is that there were NO humans around for 4 of them and not that many at the wind down of the last so called Ice age which started to end approx.14 thousand years ago. Which incidentally has not ended yet since only 60% of the ice sheets formed at its peak have melted so far. Upshot is, Of course its getting warmer and CO2 is increasing IT ALWAYS DOES it is a natural cyclic event as is extinction for which we humans are overdue, fuck with CO2 and it will be sooner rather than later and if the frozen methane (CH4) in the ocean deeps is released its game over pretty much instantly.