Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Probably a real good idea!! The washing!! I didn't even save the trim. Oh well, at least it's something, and it does smell good. It was a weird year all around!

It really got some stuff out of there. Not as dirty as other tubs of water I've seen but there was a bunch of nasty crap in there. I figured to experiment with that and if I press it it might turn out decent.
Yeah! I just drop the oil into capsules after. Instead of cooking with it. I can take it places with pretty low smell that way, and also not have to whip out a big pastry o_O
Which ardent do you have? Do you find the infusion setting to be useless too? I run a1 both times...

I have the first generation it doesn't do infusion. I decarb in the basement and you can't smell a thing.
