Looking For Winner: Mars Hydro FC6500 Giveaway!

That can't be right?
It says in the op

Pick winner:
We will select the winner in a random way. The number on the upper right corner of your daily participation posts is the number of your participation in the lottery.

Deadline: 18th October

It says that a number from RIU will be chosen?
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Apparently someone on Facebook won... Why bring a contest to RIU if no one from RIU can win??? If they have these contests on different platforms, why not give a light to the winner of each one, or is that asking too much???
It's not like that. Each platform has its own winner. It's probably against RIU Terms of service to link the other platforms to show you, but I assure you it's all separate. Just give them time to get to RIU. I would be willing to bet they only log into each platform once weekly. I've been playing the mars hydro lottery a long time.
I've already won!!!
I didn’t enter cause if I did I would have been forced to buy five more ;):weed:
I got tired of waiting... I will say this though, they have a strange way of delivering packages... Tent and light were bought from Mars Hydro directly and they sent them separately... One came to the house, the other across the street... And you can clearly cee my address on the front of the house!!! Imagine how I was feeling when I got the message that both packages had been dropped off and I'm only ceeing one, which was the tent... 20211021_050936.jpg
I've already won!!!
I got tired of waiting... I will say this though, they have a strange way of delivering packages... Tent and light were bought from Mars Hydro directly and they sent them separately... One came to the house, the other across the street... And you can clearly cee my address on the front of the house!!! Imagine how I was feeling when I got the message that both packages had been dropped off and I'm only ceeing one, which was the tent... View attachment 5013811
thats a delivery problem not a mars hydro one
Naw,I think it's both... But who cares, right??? It's here so let's rejoice in that fact!!!
My fault too,I could have had this days ago if I wasn't trying to save 10 measly dollars and went to Amazon!!! There's at least two distribution centers that are 35 to 40 minutes away!!! I guess I just expected that since they deal with Amazon, they would have found the center that was closest to me and went from there, at least that's what I would have done... Oh well, like I said before, its here,and that's all that matters!!! I'm about to put some plants up under that light right now!!!
My fault too,I could have had this days ago if I wasn't trying to save 10 measly dollars and went to Amazon!!! There's at least two distribution centers that are 35 to 40 minutes away!!! I guess I just expected that since they deal with Amazon, they would have found the center that was closest to me and went from there, at least that's what I would have done... Oh well, like I said before, its here,and that's all that matters!!! I'm about to put some plants up under that light right now!!!

best to get directly from mars. When I won the fce4800 it was here within days.
I think that the marshydro rep on this site just doesn't post or use the site as much as others.

They had a giveaway on another site and posted the winner within 48 hours after the deadline and they already have more new giveaways posted on that site too.
They don't seem to be as interested in this site.