Diesel Ryders won't germinate


Well-Known Member
Hi I bought three feminized seeds and used the paper towel method on a slightly warm STB none germinated. I grew something else. I bought 3 more and one germinated and grew into full sized plant. With Xmas close I thought I could quickly grow another one. One month later and 3 feminized seeds and 10 regular seeds later I have one more diesel plant. I put another variety of seed in the same dish as the DR and it germinated immediately. I have not had this problem before. I have pre-soaked some for a few hours. No difference. I have scraped some seeds gently too. Half of them split but the tap root fails to grow out more than 1mm and half don't even split. So 2 seeds out of 19 in total. I have been trying for a month so no time saving on a regular plant. Almost £100 down the drain. I have contacted the seller and the Spanish grower and have had no response. I am angry and want to get my money back. Any ideas? Thank you.


Well-Known Member
try soaking them in a glass of water, until they float. then go to the paper towels. I would scuff the sides of a few with light sandpaper see if that helps in the process.


Well-Known Member
Buy a tray of Root Shooters, a seedling dome and a $15 reptile heating mat fro m PetSmart. I have only had 1 seed not germinate with this method and only lost one other that sprouted but petered out. Put the seed straight into the Root Shooter plug. No swimming parties, no wet paper towels.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for speedy replies. I have a heating tray with domed pots but I prefer to germinate separately and then plant under dome. Reptile heating mat sounds good cos my heating tray gets too hot with a saucer so you have to put things between. Root shooters I will look into. The seeds are very small and light in colour. I think they can sell anything knowing there is no comeback. £5/£10 per seed! Daylight robbery. OK I will try to improve my method but I thought growing was meant to be the hard bit. While they are growing I am getting my gear from Holland but its v expensive. Is there a way of getting smoke mail order in UK (if I am allowed to ask that)? When my Super Lemon Haze grows up I will post a 3d! picture here. End Feb I guess. Thanks again,


Well-Known Member
With just 2 sprouting out of that many beans I would suggest the problem is looking at you in the mirror.
Are you making sure you seal the paper towels/plate in a big baggie? The seeds will dry out before sprouting
if you don't seal them in a baggie.



Well-Known Member
Thanks. No they didn't dry out. I have also been replacing paper towel every couple of days to stop fungus/rot. A Super lemon haze I put in the same dish is 3 inches tall now. My best DR has a 1mm tap root and has stopped. Most of the seeds are very light / green in colour. Some did not sink on soaking.

I have grown about 10 plants so far over the last five years and never had this problem. I appreciate the tips but I was wondering if anyone had any success in getting their money back?

I would like to hear experiences of others who have recently bought joint doctor diesel ryder, feminized or regular.


Well-Known Member
Quick update.....

I put 3 Lowryder seeds in the dish and they have sprouted overnight.

I received an email saying I am to receive replacement seeds! "Much better than DR"

Result. I hope.


Well-Known Member
Thank you all. Nearly 10 years later my techniques have improved with experience but germinating is still the bit I struggle with most as well! Usually a sign I am cutting corners. Lowryder was very smooth for its day. The other one I used to grow was WW. It was so good but thought I still needed to find the very best. Blue dream, Durban Poison, Acapulco Gold and Gorilla and other autos later, I think I was very lucky to start with those two.

All best


Well-Known Member
Thank you all. Nearly 10 years later my techniques have improved with experience but germinating is still the bit I struggle with most as well! Usually a sign I am cutting corners. Lowryder was very smooth for its day. The other one I used to grow was WW. It was so good but thought I still needed to find the very best. Blue dream, Durban Poison, Acapulco Gold and Gorilla and other autos later, I think I was very lucky to start with those two.

All best
Simply stick them in either rapid rooters or soil and let them go. Keep them 75 degrees and humid. In two days the should be up. 5 days at the latest Unless they’re shitty seeds.


Well-Known Member
10 years ? … toss those seeds brah
Holy shhhhheeeeeettttt !!

@Lordhooha hit it on head with options , if running old stock , a simple peroxide dip ( google ) can prep them .
Also , pay attention to your ways of storage too …. I fridge mine up.


Well-Known Member
10 years ? … toss those seeds brah
Holy shhhhheeeeeettttt !!

@Lordhooha hit it on head with options , if running old stock , a simple peroxide dip ( google ) can prep them .
Also , pay attention to your ways of storage too …. I fridge mine up.
Put three in a few days ago, and they are from a stash of seeds my mum gave me nine years ago, and she had for nearly 12 years previously from a trip abroad. Mangoskin Sativa from the Phillipines, some were 5-6m tall.

All popped within two days surprisingly. They are hardy bastards considering they have been in a clear snap in a draw forever.

Sometimes I swear I'm magic, but the luck has to run out sooner or later seeing the trouble people seem to have germinating on here. I bet I have jinxed myself now and every seed will be a dud.


Well-Known Member
5-6 meters? 30-36ft tall?
Yea, they were huge landrace plants. Some of them looked to be multi years old. We had someone grow them out like a decade ago and they were testing at 6.2% THC, so nothing exciting, just an heirloom from times passed.

I've got a mate in Nepal ATM collecting seeds for me.. he's staying at a hotel, and there's a landrace outside his second story window. They grow into full trees there. Apparently it's illegal there lol, but there is a 6m tree on every corner in his village.