Only grow using the advice of Thatdudegrows channel


Well-Known Member
Most of us learned before youtube was invented lol
Many of us started out gardening and just used that same knowledge and applied it to cannabis. I never gave growing cannabis any real thought and just treated it like another plant. I didn't realize I needed to follow some cannabis specific mumbo jumbo or watch youtube until I read it online. I chose to ignore that and continue to just treat it like any other plant which is all that's really necessary for such an easy to grow plant.


Well-Known Member
To all off you all that are half ass growers with weak input last time on my posts talkin shit the dgc got me growing properly With harvest right down the road again haha, if anyone is struggling to grow I recommend highly that you listening to the dgc and not bro science on here.
Growing with "only the advice" of one specific person or source is probably not the best idea. I have read books, articles from a half dozen sites, watched videos, talked to old hippies, and of course the best teacher, years of actual in person trial and error

Many of us started out gardening and just used that same knowledge and applied it to cannabis. I never gave growing cannabis any real thought and just treated it like another plant. I didn't realize I needed to follow some cannabis specific mumbo jumbo or watch youtube until I read it online. I chose to ignore that and continue to just treat it like any other plant which is all that's really necessary for such an easy to grow plant.
im the exact opposite lol, started growing weed in high school and only started gardening in the past few years, applied a lot of what i learned in the pursuit of growing great cannabis to veggies and herbs, had the realization that in a lot of cases as you said, a plant is a plant.


Well-Known Member
Many of us started out gardening and just used that same knowledge and applied it to cannabis. I never gave growing cannabis any real thought and just treated it like another plant. I didn't realize I needed to follow some cannabis specific mumbo jumbo or watch youtube until I read it online. I chose to ignore that and continue to just treat it like any other plant which is all that's really necessary for such an easy to grow plant.
New here, but I've been growing other stuff for decades. Do my own cold stratification, propagation, seed saving, etc.

I knew going in there would be 'more to it' than most plants, and there is. We're asking a plant that does 'its own thing' in the wild to really act differently to produce its flowers in quantity and with certain properties. It's also been crossed and genetically manipulated the fuck out of normalcy. So the real challenge has been learning what those new requirements are and how to best do them.

Interesting to me that people have trouble with the easy part (seed germination) and make that multistep and complex...but the real hard part is in the indoor environmental conditions and nutrient needs, training etc. I have to think that if there were a 3 or 5 month long germination process before you even get them in the ground it would be a much thinner herd of growers.

Hats off to the guys who have bootstrapped their way into some really amazing looking plants. And awesome that there's now accessible good science for those who like to learn that way.