Proof of voter fraud found

You've never served in the military

No I had better thing to do than pretend to be protecting heroine fields. Bunch of tools all around.

my bad whoever wanted a question answered. I will go back through quick and see if there is one, that you didn’t quote me answering, just to ask it again.
No I had better thing to do than pretend to be protecting heroine fields. Bunch of tools all around.

my bad whoever wanted a question answered. I will go back through quick and see if there is one, that you didn’t quote me answering, just to ask it again.
It is oil fields, Dinglenutz
I probably do some times. Maybe if white supremacist terrorists would stop attacking US democracy and if maybe white people would stop killing Black people in stand your ground states claiming "they were afraid" and if maybe cops would stop beating black people because the black man "made them afraid" and if maybe old white people would stop voting for a clearly fascist old white man who called all Mexicans rapists and drug dealers in order to garner votes from white racists and maybe if white people could perhaps shoot a little more cash to underfunded schools in poor neighborhoods and perhaps if the leaders that Republican voters chose would prefer multicultural democracy over anti-democratic fascism and maybe if Republicans would run on ideas instead of voter suppression. Maybe then there would be less tension in this country and I could get a good nights sleep.

nice wall. Anyone read that? Lol