The real reason Donald is still walking around. He wants to refight the 2020 election and the republicans are focused on winning the house in 2022 and elections for local and state election officials, so they can steal future elections. Joe should get Donald frothing at the mouth by skillfully baiting him and calling him a loser on TV. The problem will be to keep Donald out of prison until the 2022 election, or to time it for just before the election and have Donald freaking out on the republicans for insufficient loyalty. It's NY state crimes he will go down for first and Donald ain't on the ballot in 2022, so shit can happen during election season. Donald will want the entire federal GOP caucus storming the courthouse steps in NY city before they sentence him. With any luck he will be so pissed off in the days or weeks before the election, he will tell his base to stay home before they put the muzzle on him in a maximum security cell.
If the democrats can retain the house and win a few senate seats, they can drive through the Biden agenda, election laws on steroids, attack the domestic disinformation system and make domestic terrorism and hate crime laws with teeth to ensnare and fuck these assholes. Win big enough and they can drive a lot of change through in 6 months, enough to remove the republicans electoral advantages, destroy the for profit domestic disinformation system and fuck domestic terrorists, including those who make death threats. All they need to do is keep the house and win a few senate seats and perhaps a few states and they can fuck the GOP for a generation and perhaps even destroy them. Power abhors a vacuum and they will be quickly replaced, while yer at it get rid of the state laws that support the duopolistic form of government and limit third parties, it's bad for democracy and America by limiting political choice.
All Republicans want is for Donald Trump to stop living in the past.