Adding sugar during flowering

Don't worry about the "so called" experts on here mate. There are dicks everywhere on this site. Don't bother arguing. They are too narrow minded and subjective to even listen.

I'm not narrow minded in the slightest. I love little experiments like this. I think it has merit. My limited understanding that sugars help to feed the microbes in the soil, which in turn aid the plant. But the OP has just done it and proclaimed it to be a scientific fact and presented some fairly mediocre plants as proof, that isn't how science works. As I said before all he has proven is that adding sugar doesn't kill them.

I have done shit like this before. Back in the day there was a readers letter to the High Times, that stated as a fact, that watering with carbonated spring water weekly increased yield. So I got two clones side by side and tried it. No difference at all. One thing I did learn is that fungus gnats hate carbonated spring water. The guy's theory was that the spring water would be a good source of carbon dioxide and it contained trace elements like zinc, calcium, magnesium and so on. His theory had merit, but in practice it was flawed, because a good fertiliser should have all of that stuff anyway and the concentration of CO2 was so low it made no difference. But I can safely say that fungus gnats hate it, a couple of decades later I would still reach for the carbonated water if I got fungus gnats, it really drives the little bastards out of the soil.

The OP brought all this shit on himself. If he had posed his post as a question rather than a statement of fact he would have got a whole different response. The other day I questioned something that was a deviation from the norm and the resulting thread was a positive discussion. Yesterday, I was a bit presumptuous and gave advice that wasn't that great and I was called out on it, fair enough IMHO.

If you want to play on forums like these you have to get some thicker skin. If you play the game, you will reap what you sow. If you are a dick and post ill thought out crap, you will also reap what you sow. If you think this is bad you should have been on Usenet in the mid 90s to early 2000s.
I at least understand molasses because it at the very least brings trace elements to the table with the sugar...but table sugar? Any net benefit is from feeding microbial life in the soil, but with the potential for encouraging negative elements like insects and mold/fungus, etc.
Good afternoon folks.
So I have been doing micro grows for quite some time, The one thing that has always caught my attention and curiosity was sugar!
I starting growing marjuana in British Columbia 10 years ago, I am not living in alberta basically experimenting with indoor micro grows during the winter. I have read so many different articles on molasses, Table sugars & Brown sugars. Sooo I had to start doing my own research.
I want to inform everybody on here of what I decided to do .
I spent 4 months growing 2 plants under 2 simple full spectrum noma led bulbs with desk lamps. I waited until week 6 of flowering and I have to say my plants were not looking very great. I mixed 2 table spoons of sugar with 1 liter of water and shook the hell out of it. Then I dumped it right into my soil and the results were absolutely astounding. Basically I wanted to see what I could grow using minimal lighting and sugar and it blew my mind. I'm at week 7 and about ready to harvest. The first picture is week 6 before sugar and week 7 is the other pictures.View attachment 5018481View attachment 5018482View attachment 5018483View attachment 5018484.View attachment 5018482

Youre right in the harvest window bro. Get out the trimmers
I have never seen a plant explode like this in week 7. I suggest anybody to put a plant aside in their grow tent wait until week 5 or 6 and toss sugar water in the pot I'd love to see others reactions because I'm mf mind blown right now on how much this plant is exploding with trechs

Yeah bro, yeah

Those trechs are just exploding
Think you need to back the fuck off until you’ve at least had a couple of successfull grows and start realising that the guys down the local hydro store don’t have your best interests at heart $$$$$

wait are you guys really upset? lol... With whats coming in the world.. you're going to have to toughen up.. and the first time i grew outside was in 2001, since the laws have changed, I've moved inside.. And I've never stepped foot in any sort of hydro local Agway carries full fox farm setup.... Jobes with myco's...dry and wet gold and ff soils.... perlite... anything i need... and they don't give me advice .. they ring me out. So.. I'd wager... as far as sucessful grows.. I had 6 seasons under my belt before 2010. Is this your guyses best trolls? You're new? I mean.. i posted in the newbie section...And Im weak? lol..... riiiight.
wait are you guys really upset? lol... With whats coming in the world.. you're going to have to toughen up.. and the first time i grew outside was in 2001, since the laws have changed, I've moved inside.. And I've never stepped foot in any sort of hydro local Agway carries full fox farm setup.... Jobes with myco's...dry and wet gold and ff soils.... perlite... anything i need... and they don't give me advice .. they ring me out. So.. I'd wager... as far as sucessful grows.. I had 6 seasons under my belt before 2010. Is this your guyses best trolls? You're new? I mean.. i posted in the newbie section...And Im weak? lol..... riiiight.
I'm not narrow minded in the slightest. I love little experiments like this. I think it has merit. My limited understanding that sugars help to feed the microbes in the soil, which in turn aid the plant. But the OP has just done it and proclaimed it to be a scientific fact and presented some fairly mediocre plants as proof, that isn't how science works. As I said before all he has proven is that adding sugar doesn't kill them.

I have done shit like this before. Back in the day there was a readers letter to the High Times, that stated as a fact, that watering with carbonated spring water weekly increased yield. So I got two clones side by side and tried it. No difference at all. One thing I did learn is that fungus gnats hate carbonated spring water. The guy's theory was that the spring water would be a good source of carbon dioxide and it contained trace elements like zinc, calcium, magnesium and so on. His theory had merit, but in practice it was flawed, because a good fertiliser should have all of that stuff anyway and the concentration of CO2 was so low it made no difference. But I can safely say that fungus gnats hate it, a couple of decades later I would still reach for the carbonated water if I got fungus gnats, it really drives the little bastards out of the soil.

The OP brought all this shit on himself. If he had posed his post as a question rather than a statement of fact he would have got a whole different response. The other day I questioned something that was a deviation from the norm and the resulting thread was a positive discussion. Yesterday, I was a bit presumptuous and gave advice that wasn't that great and I was called out on it, fair enough IMHO.

If you want to play on forums like these you have to get some thicker skin. If you play the game, you will reap what you sow. If you are a dick and post ill thought out crap, you will also reap what you sow. If you think this is bad you should have been on Usenet in the mid 90s to early 2000s.

I mean i was active on OG in late 90s early 2000s... talking with bog and those guys... and they were all way wayyyy better than any one of you guys, will much less equipment wise....,.. way more knowledgable.. and didnt come into someones thread shitting on them, to make themselves feel better. Thats for sure... So... I feel like this long winded toughen up drivel you're going on about is more about self reflection than the guy putting sugar in his plants lololol
Anyways boys, its time for gym and some diner coffee, y'all have a good day. It was fun. Especially the guy ignoring me. lol Didn't think riu was THAT soft.. but I digress, have a good weekend.
wait are you guys really upset? lol... With whats coming in the world.. you're going to have to toughen up.. and the first time i grew outside was in 2001, since the laws have changed, I've moved inside.. And I've never stepped foot in any sort of hydro local Agway carries full fox farm setup.... Jobes with myco's...dry and wet gold and ff soils.... perlite... anything i need... and they don't give me advice .. they ring me out. So.. I'd wager... as far as sucessful grows.. I had 6 seasons under my belt before 2010. Is this your guyses best trolls? You're new? I mean.. i posted in the newbie section...And Im weak? lol..... riiiight.

1. Learn to speak English.

2. Learn to punctuate.