Bad growing advice

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I wouldn’t know
I was wondering why you were still here since you shit on this thread so badly yesterday, then I realized that you have posted thousands of comments in just 3 months on this forum, and I realized you have no life. I feel bad for you. Stay as long as you want!
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I was wondering why you were still here since you shit on this thread so badly yesterday, then I realized that you have posted thousands of comments in just 3 months on this forum, and I realized you have no life. I feel bad for you. Stay as long as you want!
I’m saying this with a smile but this ^^ right here is a perfect example of the sniveling Herb & Suds suggested you could do less of.
You at least acknowledged early on that your original attempt at humor fell flat but you still ended up with now 11 pages of mileage out of this thread.
Like anything, threads need a “hook” to take off. Your original post didn’t quite have that hook but this thread grew legs anyway because a bunch of people started (mainly) having fun with it while also calling BS on things like magical cannabis plant specific nutrients.
Quit claiming ownership of the thread if you don’t want to get called out for sniveling though. This thread is not a personal grow journal where people are expected to only come in if invited - it’s open season here.
Calling someone out for too many posts over a 11 month period is dumb too, that’s at least a decent history of interacting on RIU. This one seriously upped your own post count in just a few days. Paul Drake didn’t even harsh on you that bad, and you really did come across as sniveling.
The ones to watch out for are the new members who either go to town in Politics straight away and are are clearly a foreign troll of the ones who stay online defending stupid shit for 18 straight hours and are clearly on a meth binge.
I’m going back to planning how to farm cannabis on Mars in my own excrement with a 100% solar powered facility now.
I actually think he’s trying to be funny, not be a turd, but I’m not totally sure? He appropriated your word “snivel” at least and that was before I got a chance to finish my TLDR post and sprinkle it in. He’s probably a f’ing State fan though.
I have tickets to the MSU Maryland game, I never thought they would be undefeated when I bought them.
I have tickets to the MSU Maryland game, I never thought may would be undefeated when I bought them.
That’s in jest but I’ve been hearing it from MSU fans since about 3:15 on Saturday afternoon. Work is just brutal today. Sparty should handle Maryland. I’ll be seriously impressed if they beat OSU later in the month though. They’re legit if they do that. Enjoy the ride.
I’m saying this with a smile but this ^^ right here is a perfect example of the sniveling Herb & Suds suggested you could do less of.
You at least acknowledged early on that your original attempt at humor fell flat but you still ended up with now 11 pages of mileage out of this thread.
Like anything, threads need a “hook” to take off. Your original post didn’t quite have that hook but this thread grew legs anyway because a bunch of people started (mainly) having fun with it while also calling BS on things like magical cannabis plant specific nutrients.
Quit claiming ownership of the thread if you don’t want to get called out for sniveling though. This thread is not a personal grow journal where people are expected to only come in if invited - it’s open season here.
Calling someone out for too many posts over a 11 month period is dumb too, that’s at least a decent history of interacting on RIU. This one seriously upped your own post count in just a few days. Paul Drake didn’t even harsh on you that bad, and you really did come across as sniveling.
The ones to watch out for are the new members who either go to town in Politics straight away and are are clearly a foreign troll of the ones who stay online defending stupid shit for 18 straight hours and are clearly on a meth binge.
I’m going back to planning how to farm cannabis on Mars in my own excrement with a 100% solar powered facility now.
No, you’re wrong. I slept 8 hours last night, no meth binge (talk to mr. 30 posts a day every day for the last 90 days straight about that). I haven’t given anyone a hard time that didn’t give me one first. (From my perspective, but I think that’s fair). You have a problem with my content in this thread, and you can’t unpucker your butt long enough to just go away. You can stay if you like, but I’m not going anywhere. Enjoy the thread and contribute or shut up and go away. Almost at 12 pages now, why don’t you disagree with me a little longer.
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No, you’re wrong. I slept 8 hours last night, no meth binge (talk to mr. 30 posts a day every day for the last 90 days straight about that). I haven’t given anyone a hard time that didn’t give me one first. (From my perspective, but I think that’s fair). You have a problem with my content in this thread, and you can’t unpucker your butt long enough to just go away. You can stay if you like, but I’m not going anywhere. Enjoy the thread and contribute or shut up and go away. Almost at 12 pages now, why don’t you disagree with me a little longer, turds and duds.
Still trying to tell others what to do
East town clown
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