Humidity and General advice


Well-Known Member
Yup, if the ir gun is correct. That's why higher temps while using LED is bueno. Mine is usually -2 or -3 difference. How far are your lights away? And what light? Watts?


Well-Known Member
If this is your first grow I wouldn't worry too much about sticking 100% to that chart. It's more of a guideline to keep you on track. Not being in the "zone" isn't going to kill your crop
** unless your way off


Active Member
Yup, if the ir gun is correct. That's why higher temps while using LED is bueno. Mine is usually -2 or -3 difference. How far are your lights away? And what light? Watts?
running 2x 240 watt qbs at 21inches from top. I just checked again and its around -6 for the very tops of the plants


Well-Known Member
1.2 and up from here on out imo . The heater should def help lower rh and raise vpd . Then you'll notice your plants drinking more. Then late in flower they slowwwww down of water frequency


Well-Known Member
Usually 5-8 degree swing. If the range is too far (cold) you may see some purpling.. some do that intentionally, others wait until the last 2 -3 weeks to drop temps. Glad I could help, I'm sure you'll get more opinions. :joint:


Well-Known Member
Most defol before flip and at 21 day mark. I wouldn't worry about herms w/ defol. That's more environmental imo.
with your temps on the low side, that rh is acting higher than its reading. Look into VPD. Vapor pressure deficit , here's one I use.
- if you raise temps to 79-81 (if using led, 81 is good) the RH will drop on its own. If you lower temps more the rh will rise faster and easier. I'd look into controlling the temp/rh for the room , then you'll see a difference inside the tent. But yeah defoling now will help, and help your buds
Thank you, this chart is awesome.


Active Member
Did that heater help?
Yeah everything is sitting pretty right now and I'm able to keep the humidity down and the temp where I need it. Thank you so much for all your help. Ill post some new pictures tomorrow but the progress is going well