dominion seed company duke diamond

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F**king every body is getting out on bond in a lot of states. That is no indicator of shit.

I also wonder how Mr Soul got involved? From what I know, he is a stand up guy. Only met him once, I deal with him a lot about genetics with no problems at all.
F**king every body is getting out on bond in a lot of states. That is no indicator of shit.

I also wonder how Mr Soul got involved? From what I know, he is a stand up guy. Only met him once, I deal with him a lot about genetics with no problems at all.
I think someone used it to describe Whiney and it got taken out of context? Don’t think there’s a mr soul story out there like this. If whiney knew anything bout the show me state, he’d realize they don’t have bonds anymore, basically. You get a notice to appear and if you don’t, then warrant issued, it’s all on the popo . They still write bonds, but it has to be a big deal. I’d say the feds let him out on time served pending next court case. But whiney wants to be the know it all messenger, let the kid play. Me. I’d personally like to see more DD porn and shots of his strains
I think someone used it to describe Whiney and it got taken out of context? Don’t think there’s a mr soul story out there like this. If whiney knew anything bout the show me state, he’d realize they don’t have bonds anymore, basically. You get a notice to appear and if you don’t, then warrant issued, it’s all on the popo . They still write bonds, but it has to be a big deal. I’d say the feds let him out on time served pending next court case. But whiney wants to be the know it all messenger, let the kid play. Me. I’d personally like to see more DD porn and shots of his strains
must be nice....where he got busted there are tons of people getting arrested and held without bond still in missouri...
how you think all the prisons are filled up? heroin users? meth and coke? lol they just rat out people...
prisons are filled up with weed smokers...they don't want you to know that...

seearch missori couple arrested for marijuana 2021 in google and tons wlll pop up. yall aren't going to fool us. go on home back to the queen. they are trying to hide the not spook people classic spook tactic..
must be nice....where he got busted there are tons of people getting arrested and held without bond still in missouri...
how you think all the prisons are filled up? heroin users? meth and coke?

I’ll put $5 on Meth…I’ll put $5 on heroin, too. It’s Missouri they put you away for anything. There is hope with the new medical passage, but I won’t move back there.

As for DD’s case I had a real hard time finding the cases using casenet. Never found the fed finding. I have a family member that is out on bail for setting up a robbery, resulting in Homicide, because of Covid. I’d “assume” that’s the case here too with DD or like Bodyne said, time served/legally sourced bail money(trafficking).
somethings fishy... maybe he wasn't really in prison that 5 years he said he was? I don't know i've never heard mr soul say anything...only stuff from subcools videos...
it doesn't surprise me on them letting them out for homicide... actually people get longer time in prison for weed than people for murder...I see people all the time only get 5 years for murder...there are people that have done 20 years for weed...
Last post. Some more positive news. :clap: Duke gets out Dec 2. It explains that in the SHN Auction descriptions under most Dominion items. Lots of great gear available in these auctions, so support Duke if you can. Can we remove all the non-related post now ? Good luck to all. bongsmilie
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so hes been in federal prison for 17 months so far then...and no record of it all...
I mean hes got so much fans I guess hed be having visiting people everyday and get all kinds of free stuff...all the food he needs ect but you know can't find him in any federal prison. ain't that a doozy....
oh I already know the excuse...he was concentrating on writing his book while in prison geeze luizee

i know like highschool friends that went to prison and when I googled it came right up...
i wonder if his cell mate wrote it for him? he could call it mein kamferup
edit: anyone heard of Grand Duke William Gunn, of Germany?
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Lol you are just sore your buds in jail couldn’t raise a dime for their defense lol
i mean you chekck you yourself...put dukes name in the inmate has records going back all the way to 1982...he was sopposedly in the feds for 5 years before he came back...
He may have not even gone to prison yet, if he does go. It says the feds took up the case. Just because the feds took the case up, doesnt mean hes gone to trial yet. He could be in a federal holding facility.
I was in a federal holding facility for a year before i went to court, and then I was in a federal holding facility for a year after I was sentenced. I went to prison.
The federal holding facility I was held in was nothing more than a county jail, that had a contract with the feds to hold federal violators, and prisoners. They cannot hold you in a county jail if you have been charged with a federal crime, unless the county jail has a contract with the feds to hold federal prisoners, and not very many county jails are authorized to hold federal prisoners.
I faced a 10-LIFE sentence for 1000+ indoor clones. It was an indoor grow operation. I gave my partner 500 clones, he got busted, ratted me out, and found 600 more in our grow house, he was renting, and I was living in. I got charged with all of them. I did 7 years, and 8 years supervised release, and a 3-5 MILLION $$$ Fine, of which they waived.
But Duke may not have even gone to trial yet, and if he has, he could still be being held at a federal holding place.

I will also say I just ran my name through the locater, and it came up with nothing. I then ran my number and it came up. So just running the name, you may come up with nothing. The ### is better.

American Indian Asian Black White Male Female
0 Results for search james M M, Race: White, Age: 62, Sex: Male

Register Number: #####-###
Age: 62
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 04/28/2009
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He may have not even gone to prison yet, if he does go. It says the feds took up the case. Just because the feds took the case up, doesnt mean hes gone to trial yet. He could be in a federal holding facility.
I was in a federal holding facility for a year before i went to court, and then I was in a federal holding facility for a year after I was sentenced. I went to prison.
The federal holding facility I was held in was nothing more than a county jail, that had a contract with the feds to hold federal violators, and prisoners. They cannot hold you in a county jail if you have been charged with a federal crime, unless the county jail has a contract with the feds to hold federal prisoners, and not very many county jails are authorized to hold federal prisoners.
I faced a 10-LIFE sentence for 1000+ indoor clones. It was an indoor grow operation. I gave my partner 500 clones, he got busted, ratted me out, and found 600 more in our grow house, he was renting, and I was living in. I got charged with all of them. I did 7 years, and 8 years supervised release, and a 3-5 MILLION $$$ Fine, of which they waived.
But Duke may not have even gone to trial yet, and if he has, he could still be being held at a federal holding place.

I will also say I just ran my name through the locater, and it came up with nothing. I then ran my number and it came up. So just running the name, you may come up with nothing. The ### is better.

American Indian Asian Black White Male Female
0 Results for search james M M, Race: White, Age: 62, Sex: Male

Register Number: #####-###
Age: 62
Race: White
Sex: Male
Released On: 04/28/2009's because you typed it in as james m m that it didn't come ain't been in federal prison if ain't showin up or had the record removed somehow...I know millions and millions of dollars are on the line but no one should by anything from such a liar....subcool was smaller than these big guy and someone gave him a 55 million dollar investment right before someone killed him...

he probably pulled his strains out the goverment archive...

i've never heard of 8 years probabtion...I thought the most the feds did was 5 year probation...
I didnt type my name James M M. I retyped it when I posted it here on the internet. I aint putting my name out here on the net dude. I live in a fucked up state. Kentucky.

Some people get lifetime supervised release. I had the most supervised release than anyone at Summit Kentucky prison.
Heres my prison ID, with my name, and number blocked.

My prosecutor was Kevin Dicken. Look him up. Hes now in Lex, Ky. Im in Eastern, Ky. Ashland. I had a 10-Life Mandatory minimum. Normally the give up to 5 years for Class A, and B sentences, but can fudge with the guidelines as they see fit. I did 7 years, plus 8 supervised release which equals 15 years total. I had a minimum of 10 years sentence, and a maximum of LIFE.
They could have made me serve 1 year, and 14 years of supervised release if they wanted to, or they could have made me serve 14 years, and 1 year supervised release. They can basically do anything they want.

They also may have changed the guidelines since I got out. Ive been out 12 years.

Last edited:'s because you typed it in as james m m that it didn't come ain't been in federal prison if ain't showin up or had the record removed somehow...I know millions and millions of dollars are on the line but no one should by anything from such a liar....subcool was smaller than these big guy and someone gave him a 55 million dollar investment right before someone killed him...

he probably pulled his strains out the goverment archive...

i've never heard of 8 years probabtion...I thought the most the feds did was 5 year probation...
Lmfao, sub died cause his lungs gave out, rumor has it he was on meth at the end and growin in an empty pool in Arizona lol. I suspect you are the MI clown James beanz outted on the Bog Son Selling fiasco on IG and/or the MI guy they outted for hawking fake MzJill wares. You the only one in the whole wide world figured this conspiracy theory you trying to push that duke is a rat lol. Carry on, Perry Mason lmfao!
Lmfao, sub died cause his lungs gave out, rumor has it he was on meth at the end and growin in an empty pool in Arizona lol. I suspect you are the MI clown James beanz outted on the Bog Son Selling fiasco on IG and/or the MI guy they outted for hawking fake MzJill wares. You the only one in the whole wide world figured this conspiracy theory you trying to push that duke is a rat lol. Carry on, Perry Mason lmfao!
Facts, his pool was a personal grow. He had a converted bowling alley in a joint venture and was on weekly infusion for his lung disease. He died of it. Just the facts, lol
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