Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

he only works in Milwaukee and wanted a pic but they all live in the same house..and Car Doctor.
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he was charging him like a he could shoot him in the back... unclebuck you seem to have expieeicnce with charging bulls you should know it wasn't from behind
Ok. Mean old rosenbaum was charging innocent little kyle like a bull. So how did he fatally shoot rosrnbaum in the back?
maybe i am out right now on patrol with my super duper scary loud assault machine or whatever you unarmed pussies call them. Lucky for you, you stayed inside when people were burning cities, typing away here.
maybe i am out right now on patrol with my super duper scary loud assault machine or whatever you unarmed pussies call them. Lucky for you, you stayed inside when people were burning cities, typing away here.
But youre here typing like a pussy. So are you a pedophile?
So much fail here. The mob mentality was of those with AR-type guns in their hands.

You seriously underestimate the sheer bravery of the BLM activists who held fast in the face of armed bigots.
Brave brave BLM. those autozones sure learned a lesson. everything is better now. the nation is one big happy family. mission accomplished.

a bunch of stupid fucks. "activists" lmao.
dont assault and chase people holding rifles with weapons and you wont get shot. simple math. Mob mentality isnt as strong as a .223 round i guess.
They aren't being charged with assault though so there goes that theory. Rittenhouse is being charged for shooting a guy in the back with an assault rifle 15 though

Meanwhile Trump's cult cheers on someone doing the same thing getting shot up for over a minute because Dear Leader demanded it of someone who killed one of his domestic terrorist supporters.


The hypocrisy is not really surprising.

The guy smashing windows at that autozone was a cop you dumb bitch LOL
White nationalist, but I can understand why someone might mix those up at times in Minneapolis.
Brave brave BLM. those autozones sure learned a lesson. everything is better now. the nation is one big happy family. mission accomplished.

a bunch of stupid fucks. "activists" lmao.
I respect BLM for doing what it takes.

The Qtards who opposed them are unadorned fascists.

You are cheering fascists, blatant ones.

So I classify you with the rest of the hornswoggled unfortunates.
I respect BLM for doing what it takes.

The Qtards who opposed them are unadorned fascists.

You are cheering fascists, blatant ones.

So I classify you with the rest of the hornswoggled unfortunates.
they didnt do shit but destroy their communities. the idea of BLM is one i support. the organization and everything they've "done"is a fucking joke. I do admire the big houses their founding members now own in the nice safe gated communities though. sweet places.

do you support the idea of "disrupting the nuclear family"?