The journalistic obligation to fact


Well-Known Member
dems are perfectly capable of doing that and are trying their est to do that right now but having foreigners assist in the brainwashing of weaklings like yourself after trumps campaign hands them their internals doesnt hurt
Lol, isn't there a Kendi book you need to masturbate your boyfriend to?

No one listens to you.


Well-Known Member
i can blame them for having the morals and ethics that allow them to gerrymander and jim crowe, and pass restrictive voteing laws designed to deny the rights of as many minorities as possible, that allow them to tell blatant lies and half truths that threaten democracy, so they can incite a base of dimwits to get enough votes to stay in power, so they can continue to take away the rights of everyone but white christians...
Every vote for a Republican is the failure of a Democrat.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Every vote for a Republican is the failure of a Democrat.
i deride a lot of people for talking about "moral high ground"...but it is an actual thing, if kept in perspective...
how is the failure of a democrat if republicans lie, use disinformation, spread conspiracy theories, and use discriminatory voting laws to get votes?
are Democrats supposed to go kick the republicans asses when they do this shit? cause, you know that would be just fine with me, but it doesn't seem to be a popular answer with most what would you have the Democrats do to counter the unethical, immoral, sometimes illegal practices of the republicans? a real answer please....

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
all this brilliant discourse from you is just one here gives a flying fuck at a rolling rat's asshole what you have to say. you're a racist, a homophobe, probably a're just the magat's magat....don't you have a klan meeting to go to? someone to lynch? maybe Pence?


Well-Known Member
all this brilliant discourse from you is just one here gives a flying fuck at a rolling rat's asshole what you have to say. you're a racist, a homophobe, probably a're just the magat's magat....don't you have a klan meeting to go to? someone to lynch? maybe Pence?
Nah, I respond to people in kind. Apparently you little bitches melt when someone doesn't kiss you asses.