The journalistic obligation to fact


Well-Known Member
QUOTE="UncleBuck, post: 16629967, member: 251367"]
like its even possible for an emoji face on a vbulletin forum to suck a dick

Just about every post you make is about dicks. I figured you'd have nothing to talk about if I took away your dick topic, and it looks like I'm right.

You're shtick is worn out.


Well-Known Member
Honesty an unheard of concept to ya?
Until you're honest with yourself you have the inability to be honest with anyone else.

If you really believe that I'm any of the things you called me, then you're not being honest with yourself and just posturing for attention. That's pathetic.


Well-Known Member
Look at you all carrying water for the corporate enterprises responsible for shaping today's political landscape, not by being honest and forthright with their viewers/readers/listeners, but picking and choosing how and what to cover based on a predetermined agenda. The problem with facts is they are as easily manipulated as those who absorb them. From pushing and omitting certain facts to using loaded language and leading questions are all ways "journalists" can manipulate facts and influence their audiences. Both political enterprises and their minions are equally responsible for the political tribalism that has completely destroyed the system we swore to protect.

If you aren't completely.disgusted with how we choose to treat each other based on how we choose to exercise our right to vote, you support two authoritarian factions hell bent on destroying one another. You have all become what you hate... fascists sporting different colour hats.
This post would have been useful if you provided hard examples of corporations manipulating the discourse.


Well-Known Member
This post would have been useful if you provided hard examples of corporations manipulating the discourse.
Not really, I have the feeling we would still disagree so why would I bother wasting my time?

Besides, because a few people disagree with my assertions, the conversation has already devolved into people fucking my wife.

Seems totally reasonable.