Stay away from ILGM!!!!!!!

Ouch dude, sarcasm and capitol letters ,..that's harsh , haven't been scolded since 1966. I've replied to more than one defunct post. Each time , a member would reply back to me in a polite, congenial manner an inform me of the oversight........very considerate.......very nice people , people with " no chips on their shoulder" .

.Your mean spiritiness isn't the worse thing in the world , I think it's trending anyway.
im just trolling the trolls. ive grown seeds from ilgm, they're fine....and their forums are full of info....and the people over there are easy to work with and kind....just hate to see a novice grower trash someones entire company cuz muh newbie mistakes we've all made.
theresno reason to troll the trolls, it just makes it shit for the rest of the staff and forum.
You can buy bulk Spanish seeds for less than .50 each so before anyone white-knights a company like this too hard, consider their profit margin. They're fine for beginners, but you won't regret getting at least a pack or two of some quality genetics in the future, the difference will blow your mind. When you put months of effort and big $$$ into a grow, you deserve the best! For stable, inexpensive, quality seeds for beginners, I like both Serious Seeds and Delicious Seeds. They breed for all around quality in yields, vigor, and potency, so they won't have quite the frost as the American polyhybrid breeders who sacrifice yield a lot of times for frost, so they're great for beginners. Karma is a great next step towards learning what good breeding looks like-he has some outstanding sour strains. Then, once you've got some experience and knowledge under your belt, you can try the flavor of the month "fire" breeders, and you'll be in a position to properly judge them. Some people are totally fine with low yields but high quality, or tons of frost but moderate potency. You can also see the charm in the landraces once you have some experience with stable modern strains. I didn't mean to trash ILGM before specifically, more like bulk Spanish seed resellers in general, I'm sure they're fine to start with, just don't end with them too.
Hey Guys for those who have been following this thread. Just wanted to to say all is good after the shit show a few days back between me an another member. I did send that member a pic of my diploma and asked he not share that with others would rather not share my identity with others. I’m only a member and offer my opinion for simply one reason there’s a lot of folks out there paying ridiculous amount of money to either help with medical reasons or just enjoy getting high I’m sick and tired of people getting taken advantage of The more individuals that meet the demand of their own health benefits or habits all the better they’ll be. I just wanna provide a little guidance, advice, anything I can do to help. There’s some really great growers on here who know what their doing and saying so good luck fellow growers if I can help in anyway hit me up! ☮️
Hey Guys for those who have been following this thread. Just wanted to to say all is good after the shit show a few days back between me an another member. I did send that member a pic of my diploma and asked he not share that with others would rather not share my identity with others. I’m only a member and offer my opinion for simply one reason there’s a lot of folks out there paying ridiculous amount of money to either help with medical reasons or just enjoy getting high I’m sick and tired of people getting taken advantage of The more individuals that meet the demand of their own health benefits or habits all the better they’ll be. I just wanna provide a little guidance, advice, anything I can do to help. There’s some really great growers on here who know what their doing and saying so good luck fellow growers if I can help in anyway hit me up! ☮
you might be part of the problem if your sharing personal info and then feeling funny about it after the fact.