Indoor HugelKultur Bed Gorrilla Cookies ChilLed Growcraft x5

Sorta its more that the nutriets the clover uses to grow comes from the air rather than the soil. Mow it often. I mow mine weekly. and what you mow will break down in the bed and release nutrients for the plants. Clovers are good for this.

I dont introduce any insects. Ive topdressed enough compost that I have plenty of insects. Never had aphids, thrips or mites. I also dont bring in outside plant life into my grow. When you first mix everything in let it warm, then cool, then water in your nematodes and Mycos source. Mites/nematodes will regulate their population based on food source. This is why mulching is important. If you mulch and use compost on your initial mix you will have plenty of mites. Water in just the nematodes/Rove Beetles to consume the fungus gnat larve and you will be good.

If you have compost you have a living soil. It may not be ramped all the way up, but that comes down too proper watering and proper mulching. I keep my clover growing always. Sometimes the cannabis will smother it out. I do try to prevent that if i can. But I never want just a pot of soil sitting. Something need to be growing in it. So mix your dirt, sow your clover. As soon as the clover is a inch long drop in your plants. 3 days later, mow your clover. I got some big ass grass shears. Take me 5 min to mow a whole bed.

Make sure if you do a 4xWhatever that you can get to 2 opposing sides always.
Thanks for the mad tips! This I will do. Much appreciated. :)
I dont introduce any insects. Ive topdressed enough compost that I have plenty of insects. Never had aphids, thrips or mites. I also dont bring in outside plant life into my grow. When you first mix everything in let it warm, then cool, then water in your nematodes and Mycos source. Mites/nematodes will regulate their population based on food source. This is why mulching is important. If you mulch and use compost on your initial mix you will have plenty of mites. Water in just the nematodes/Rove Beetles to consume the fungus gnat larve and you will be good.

If you have compost you have a living soil. It may not be ramped all the way up, but that comes down too proper watering and proper mulching. I keep my clover growing always. Sometimes the cannabis will smother it out. I do try to prevent that if i can. But I never want just a pot of soil sitting. Something need to be growing in it. So mix your dirt, sow your clover. As soon as the clover is a inch long drop in your plants. 3 days later, mow your clover. I got some big ass grass shears. Take me 5 min to mow a whole bed.

Make sure if you do a 4xWhatever that you can get to 2 opposing sides always.

Makes sense, I had a place with that does vermicompost get recommended to me by some friends of friends who grow in living soil that supposedly has a good amount of springtails and rove beetles in it already. Sounds like I can just get some nematodes then. Definitely plan on having cover crop in there similar to the mix that you have I had just planned on letting it grow and mulch it a couple times before planting since I have about a month of time to kill to keep one cycle for everything. Planned on doing the 1 bed in a 10x10 with maybe one 50 gallon pot in the corner should be pretty easy to get around but I'll try to leave myself more space than I think I'll need.
Makes sense, I had a place with that does vermicompost get recommended to me by some friends of friends who grow in living soil that supposedly has a good amount of springtails and rove beetles in it already. Sounds like I can just get some nematodes then. Definitely plan on having cover crop in there similar to the mix that you have I had just planned on letting it grow and mulch it a couple times before planting since I have about a month of time to kill to keep one cycle for everything. Planned on doing the 1 bed in a 10x10 with maybe one 50 gallon pot in the corner should be pretty easy to get around but I'll try to leave myself more space than I think I'll need.
If they got that good of vermicompost, Mix and grow bud. Dont even worry about nematodes. Do they have a bunch of fungus flies on their compost pile? I like where your head is at on the preventive but it sounds like you got a top shelf vermicompost source. Theyll have nematodes in their compost. As long as your mulching correctly you should see no issue. But keep the nematodes in the back should something come up. Your going to have gnats. Accept it. A few here and there is one thing. If you get overrun, then nematodes.

Cant say that I would do a 4x8 in a 10x10 unless one wall could be opened to one of the 8 foot sides. Check this out to do a little playing to see how things will work.
It has 4x4 and 4x8 flood trays that work well, then some round reservoirs that can be replaced with different size pots and stuff. Good little visual tool. May find a 3x6 bed fits that space a little better and give a little more room to move around. In hindsite, I wish I would have done 4 2x4 beds on dollies vs 2 4x4.
Well we got 2 that are stuck. I have lowered RH from 77 to 70. Its actually kinda funny, I keep saying I want to do a 12-16 plant run, I may just take a round of clones and drop 4 in each bed and do that. I dont know we'll see how it goes.
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My problem children. GSC on the left, G13xBH. on the right. They may figure it out. For now I have moved them to the back.
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I was talking about building a room. I dont know if im staying in this house for more than another year. So for now all future build plans have been put on hold. So I needed to be able to adjust my light from the front of the tent. So tonight we made a little trip to the hardware store and got some pulleys. Still using rope ratchets. But I wanted to be able to adjust all 4 points of the light while standing in one spot. So using my bed I ran some paracord from the back 2 mounting spots to the frot of the tent. $12 bucks and my life is easier. Here are some pics

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Not overly complicated, and I dont have to run around the tent adjusting the lights.

Will get the other one done tomorrow when I put in the drip line stakes that are finally going to get here.
So I bought a Par meter on Amazon for 40 bucks. Freaking awesome find. Not as accurate as an apogee. However its only off by 10-20 ppfd. vs the Par charts that came with my light. So I feel pretty good that im close enough. And for 40 bucks who can complain about that?

Girls are coming right in. I need to decide if im dropping all these in one bed or just the 9 that are going well.

So I bought a Par meter on Amazon for 40 bucks. Freaking awesome find. Not as accurate as an apogee. However its only off by 10-20 ppfd. vs the Par charts that came with my light. So I feel pretty good that im close enough. And for 40 bucks who can complain about that?

Girls are coming right in. I need to decide if im dropping all these in one bed or just the 9 that are going well.

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I might just grab one of these, thanks! Let's see... $40 or $400... hmm... lol! By the way...the cover crop 8s amazing, I've never been so excited over clovers....l M faO...