Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?

I wonder what would happen if our newest master armorer were to drop a .25 round into an AR chamber. And then cycle the action with a loaded magazine in place. I imagine hilarity ensuing.
My MACHINE GUN only shoots the scariest most asaaultey of assault gun bullet thingeys.
My MACHINE GUN only shoots the scariest most asaaultey of assault gun bullet thingeys.
Your posts always circle back to yourself, don't they narcissist boy? Nobody cares about you. You are boring and inarticulate

Now then, about this assertion that Rittenhouse was entitled to attempt to kill Grosskreutz because "self defense". I know, you are completely wound up about that being true because of course you would. But prosecution is arguing that Rittenhouse gave up the right to claim self defense when he murdered the other two people. Just like the bank robber who, like Rittenhouse, jumps into a getaway car to flee from justice after killing people. They lost the right to claim self defense when they perpetrated a major crime.
The .25acp is "bigger" in the same way that the .40S&W is "bigger" as per your previous assertion
its not though. I literally listed 3 ways to disprove your statement. .40 is a heavier round before its fired, and the projectile itself is heavier after its fired...... .40 also has twice as many grains of powder as a .223 "AsSauLT bUlLeT" AND a .25 ACP. you are wrong multiple times in the same sentence. but carry on, i find your lack of knowing shit amusing.
its not though. I literally listed 3 ways to disprove your statement. .40 is a heavier round before its fired, and the projectile itself is heavier after its fired...... .40 also has twice as many grains of powder as a .223 "AsSauLT bUlLeT" AND a .25 ACP. you are wrong multiple times in the same sentence. but carry on, i find your lack of knowing shit amusing.

That's OK son, I find your skinhead amusing.

its not though. I literally listed 3 ways to disprove your statement. .40 is a heavier round before its fired, and the projectile itself is heavier after its fired...... .40 also has twice as many grains of powder as a .223 "AsSauLT bUlLeT" AND a .25 ACP. you are wrong multiple times in the same sentence. but carry on, i find your lack of knowing shit amusing.
English is a second language to you, isn't it? You completely missed what napsalot said. He replied regarding your failed logic, not the gun nut minutia you bore people with. Try to keep up.
I was directly responding to a quote from someone else, that was literally 100% about me. Reading is tough. Try to disguise your mental impairment a bit harder, youre better than that, babe.
Yes, yes, I understand that you would rather talk about yourself and gratuitously insult people around you rather than admit you are wrong. However, you neglected the part of my post that was on topic.

If I hurt your feelings, I can understand why that bothers you and you couldn't read any further. However, there is a valid argument against Rittenhouse being able to claim he was acting in self defense. So, if you can, take a deep breath, go back and read my whole post.
From the Examiner?!

Don’t cry for Kenosha killer Kyle Rittenhouse


"He had no business being in Kenosha that evening; indeed, by law, he should have stayed away. He broke numerous laws leading up to the killings, all of which add up to greater moral (if not legal) culpability for the deaths.

Rittenhouse drove without a license, carried a weapon illegally, and volunteered to protect a business he needed GPS to find on a map and whose owners he didn’t even know and who hadn’t asked for his help. The weapon was not a handgun that someone supposedly providing “first aid” in a riot zone might carry for protection; it was an AR-15-style semi-automatic rifle, hardly a reasonable choice for someone allegedly acting as a self-appointed medic.

And he was not entitled to be there. Town leaders had instituted a curfew for public safety, to deescalate the riot. If you violate a public-safety curfew while carrying an illegal (and highly deadly) weapon in the midst of a tremendously volatile situation, you are like someone running toward a fire while carrying dynamite, a fuse, and a match."
Not to mention a typical .40 load uses less than half the weight of powder as a .223 load. Our newest armorer must have shuffled the flash cards.
So @madvillian420 is wrong on both counts? lulz. What a buffoon.

Keep proving you all dont know shit, and follow bullshit blindly without thought. go ahead lol. Numbers are super duper tough, its okay.

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You think i needed to look this up to know? bitch please i know MACHINE GUN ammo by heart, I didnt need to google it, I actually physically have both rounds nearby lol

Please keep playing follow the leader. dumb dumb dumb is what you are
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Keep proving you all dont know shit, and follow bullshit blindly without thought. go ahead lol. Numbers are super duper tough, its okay.

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You think i needed to look this up to know? bitch please i know MACHINE GUN ammo by heart, I didnt need to google it, I actually physically have both rounds nearby lol

Please keep playing follow the leader. dumb dumb dumb is what you are
And yet no comment on charge or type of propellant.


Keep proving you all dont know shit, and follow bullshit blindly without thought. go ahead lol. Numbers are super duper tough, its okay.

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You think i needed to look this up to know? bitch please i know MACHINE GUN ammo by heart, I didnt need to google it, I actually physically have both rounds nearby lol

Please keep playing follow the leader. dumb dumb dumb is what you are
you trumptard are just so precious. you won't read the real news, only listen to idiot podcasters, let yourselves be led by the nose by foreign disinformation agents...but you fucking know your ammo. of course, that's about all you know. that and all the words to insane clown posse songs...all of them...