How fast can you smoke a joint?


Well-Known Member
Being that my stash arrives sparcely I tend to savor it haha

Joints are my favorite to smoke and typically lasts me 5-10min. I roll em football sized too.


Well-Known Member
I use cellulose papers and a thumb roller. The cellulose jays tend to burn longer than standard paper.

Technique that works, that I use to make a jay last longer.

After I grind my weed up, I leave it in my grinder, cup it in my hands and blow hot air on it for about 45 seconds to a minute. It moistens the weed to give it a slower burn. Using this method I can make a jay that would burn for 10 minutes burn for 15-20. It also doesn't burn as hot due to the extra moisture content, so you get a smoother smoke that isn't as harsh.


Well-Known Member
he was just blowing smoke, I could rip through a j if it never hit my lungs too.
believe me i inhale, ain't on no bill clinton shit lol jp, why fite? i can't prove it online

oh yeh the guy got it rite, chicago is when u take a big hit or 2, and hold it in till it comes back around.........funtimes

now if u excuse me i gotta:joint: