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Red America is now dying from COVID-19 at a clearly higher rate than blue America

By the end of 2020, there was no discernible difference between the rate of people who died of COVID-19 from areas that voted for President Biden and those who voted for former President Donald Trump — but "then the vaccines arrived," and "they proved so powerful, and the partisan attitudes toward them so different, that a gap in COVID's death toll quickly emerged," David Leonhardt writes in Monday's New York Times. And now, "the gap in COVID's death toll between red and blue America has grown faster over the past month than at any previous point."

Residents of heavily Trump counties were more than three times likelier to die from COVID in October than those in heavily Biden countries — 25 per 100,000 versus 7.8 per 100,000
Leonhardt reports. "Some conservative writers have tried to claim that the gap may stem from regional differences in weather or age, but those arguments fall apart under scrutiny." In fact, he argues, the "straightforward" explanation is that "the vaccines are remarkably effective at preventing severe COVID, and almost 40 percent of Republican adults remain unvaccinated, compared with about 10 percent of Democratic adults."

So while the pandemic has shifted regions, Leonhardt writes, "COVID deaths have been concentrated in counties outside of major metropolitan areas. Many of these are in red states, while others are in red parts of blue or purple states, like Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Oregon, Virginia, and even California.""

"This situation is a tragedy, in which irrational fears about vaccine side effects have overwhelmed rational fears about a deadly virus," Leonhardt writes, but the good news is that the partisan gap very well may have peaked, thanks to promising new antiviral COVID-19 medications from Pfizer and Merck and greater natural immunity in hard-hit red America. There are caveats, like that natural immunity appears to be weaker than vaccinated immunity, and that so much about the pandemic is still mysterious. Read more at The New York Times.

Many more than that will have long covid, maiming and diminished IQs, even among those who don't end up in the hospital. Many of these people won't be going back to work or will lose their jobs. I wonder when the insurance companies are gonna cut off hospital payments for the unvaxxed? There's more involved here than just life and death, there's being fucked for life, unable to work with huge medical bills and the loss of their houses in many cases. Many times more will be screwed for the rest of their lives, than die from covid.


Unvaccinated people are at least 20 times more likely to die from COVID-19 caused by the infectious Delta variant than those who've had 2 shots, real-world data suggests
Florida sheriff says nine employees have died of COVID-19
At a memorial service, Sheriff Gregory Tony said that more than half of the department's 5,600 employees had been exposed and more than 30 percent had contracted the virus, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

“We didn’t lose one, two, three — we lost nine,” Tony said.

Photos of the victims, whose ages ranged from 39 to 73, were displayed at the service in a church in Sunrise, Fla.

The sheriff did not mention vaccines at the memorial service but urged the crowd of several hundred people to remain vigilant and remember that the pandemic is not over, the AP added.

According to an analysis released last month, the coronavirus was responsible for more than 66 percent of all law enforcement deaths in the line of duty this year and last.

Meanwhile, law enforcement's objections to vaccine mandates span from coast to coast. In Massachusetts, at least 150 officers have resigned or submitted paperwork intending to resign over vaccine mandates, and Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan has said Seattle’s vaccine mandate for its employees is “unreasonable” and “void of common sense.”
Florida sheriff says nine employees have died of COVID-19
At a memorial service, Sheriff Gregory Tony said that more than half of the department's 5,600 employees had been exposed and more than 30 percent had contracted the virus, The Associated Press reported on Wednesday.

“We didn’t lose one, two, three — we lost nine,” Tony said.

Photos of the victims, whose ages ranged from 39 to 73, were displayed at the service in a church in Sunrise, Fla.

The sheriff did not mention vaccines at the memorial service but urged the crowd of several hundred people to remain vigilant and remember that the pandemic is not over, the AP added.

According to an analysis released last month, the coronavirus was responsible for more than 66 percent of all law enforcement deaths in the line of duty this year and last.

Meanwhile, law enforcement's objections to vaccine mandates span from coast to coast. In Massachusetts, at least 150 officers have resigned or submitted paperwork intending to resign over vaccine mandates, and Police Officers Guild President Mike Solan has said Seattle’s vaccine mandate for its employees is “unreasonable” and “void of common sense.”
One of my coworkers was saying this week that he was glad Florida was offering to hire any cop or firefighter who lost their job due to vaccine mandates. I told him we had plenty of bad cops already. Plus there has not really been a problem with staffing at Florida PD's.
Situation in NL, 84.4% fully vaccinated, 3%more had first shot, record number of cases. Relatively far more unvaccinated (mostly christians, bible belt retards) get infected, in absolute numbers everyone is a potential target. Masks and social distancing reintroduced after months, short lockdown coming soon in an attempt to prevent lockdowns around xmas. Soon more restriction for unvaccinated. ICU admissions still relatively low (half to a quarter of previous waves).

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All we need now is a new worse variant and we're really really really fucked.
Gene Simmons rips anti-vaxxers: 'If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy'
Gene Simmons is blasting COVID-19 deniers and unvaccinated Americans, calling them the "enemy."
"If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy," the KISS frontman said Wednesday in an interview on "TalkShopLive."
"I don't care about your political beliefs," the "Rock and Roll All Nite" singer said while discussing canceling tour dates earlier this year when he and fellow bandmate Paul Stanley tested positive with so-called breakthrough cases of the coronavirus after being vaccinated and a guitar tech for the group reportedly died.

"You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you've got rights that are delusional," Simmons, 72, said.
"You don't have the right to go through a red light — actually the government has the right to tell you to stop," he continued.
"If they tell you you can't smoke in a building, you can't smoke in a building. And that's not because they want to take away your rights — that's because the rest of us hate it. We don't want to smell your smoke."

"I don't want to catch your disease," Simmons added. "I don't want to risk my life just because you want to go through a red light. This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned is really terrible."
Simmons shredded both Democrats and Republicans as "evil" for spreading what he described as "all kinds of nonsense."
"I don't like either one of them. Politics are the enemy. Humanism and humanity is what we should all be concerned about. Love thy neighbor as thyself," Simmons said.

"For God's sakes, if I'm going to yawn in your presence, I'm going to put my hand up in front of my mouth," he said. "Yawning is not a life threatening event. You having COVID might be a life threatening event, and I don't want to catch it."
Outbreak linked to unvaccinated patient
A patient of Health Sciences Centre has died from COVID-19 and another remains in intensive care after catching the virus in a major hospital outbreak that officials believe began with a single unvaccinated patient.

As of Wednesday, 14 patients and eight staff connected to surgical unit GD2 at HSC had tested positive for COVID-19 after public health declared the outbreak on Nov. 4.

Shared Health, the provincial health services organization that oversees operations of Manitoba’s largest hospital, said the outbreak "underscores the adverse impact that one patient who chooses to be unvaccinated can have on the health-care system."

A spokesperson for Shared Health said it’s believed COVID-19 made its way onto the ward when an unvaccinated surgical patient tested positive as part of routine screening.

Over seven days, 13 fully vaccinated patients and eight staff members would test positive, with two patients requiring intensive care; one died and another has since been moved out of the ICU.

Meanwhile, a connected outbreak on medical unit GD4, declared Monday, has so far infected one staff member and three patients, one of whom was admitted to intensive care. All were fully vaccinated, Shared Health said.

Seven surgeries had to be postponed as a result, 10 beds remain closed on a surgical unit, and patients who got sick will now stay "far longer than they would have been if not for acquiring the virus," a spokesperson for Shared Health told the Free Press.
Gene Simmons rips anti-vaxxers: 'If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy'
Gene Simmons is blasting COVID-19 deniers and unvaccinated Americans, calling them the "enemy."
"If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy," the KISS frontman said Wednesday in an interview on "TalkShopLive."
"I don't care about your political beliefs," the "Rock and Roll All Nite" singer said while discussing canceling tour dates earlier this year when he and fellow bandmate Paul Stanley tested positive with so-called breakthrough cases of the coronavirus after being vaccinated and a guitar tech for the group reportedly died.

"You are not allowed to infect anybody just because you think you've got rights that are delusional," Simmons, 72, said.
"You don't have the right to go through a red light — actually the government has the right to tell you to stop," he continued.
"If they tell you you can't smoke in a building, you can't smoke in a building. And that's not because they want to take away your rights — that's because the rest of us hate it. We don't want to smell your smoke."

"I don't want to catch your disease," Simmons added. "I don't want to risk my life just because you want to go through a red light. This whole idea, this delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want and the rest of the world be damned is really terrible."
Simmons shredded both Democrats and Republicans as "evil" for spreading what he described as "all kinds of nonsense."
"I don't like either one of them. Politics are the enemy. Humanism and humanity is what we should all be concerned about. Love thy neighbor as thyself," Simmons said.

"For God's sakes, if I'm going to yawn in your presence, I'm going to put my hand up in front of my mouth," he said. "Yawning is not a life threatening event. You having COVID might be a life threatening event, and I don't want to catch it."
Oh that silver tongue.
This would rile the republicans up!

Austria set to place millions of unvaccinated people in lockdown, as chancellor slams 'shameful' shot uptake
My wife and I got our Moderna boosters last night. Feeling a tad under the weather; mild headache, lower backache that I always get when I'm "coming down with something", injection site and surrounding area pretty painful, almost as bad as a tetanus booster. Pretty sure I'll live, though.

Quite a bit of mental fog, too. Well, more so than usual. o_O
My wife and I got our Moderna boosters last night. Feeling a tad under the weather; mild headache, lower backache that I always get when I'm "coming down with something", injection site and surrounding area pretty painful, almost as bad as a tetanus booster.

Quite a bit of mental fog, too. Well, more so than usual. o_O
It lasted about three days for us
Just kinda blah and aches