If you are for Trump you are a retard, if you are for Biden you are a retard. The only ones with a brain around here can see they both are there to divide everyone further. Bunch of braindead fucks in the world but i'll take it as it comes.
yeah, all the politicians get together every night and drink and sing song together, because they all really have the same goal, which is to divide the whole world...the only braindead retards around here think that all politicians are the same...they are not the same, they have different goals, and different means of trying to achieve those goals...republicans lie, cheat, and steal, trying to keep the country firmly in the 1950s, when women wore pearls and heels while they stayed home to raise the kids, and black people rode in the back of the bus...democrats seem to be trying to make a level playing ground for everyone, while supplying jobs that will help rebuild the country's tired old infrastructure, and they may not always tell the truth, but i'll trust any democrat before any republican, all day, every day...
it just amazes me that people actually believe that there is some secret cabal all politicians belong to, where they all get together and decide the fate of the world...it's not the fucking WWF, FFS....