One last rant about George Bush


Well-Known Member
I am so glad this past 8 years is almost over. It will feel good to not be embarressed about our president for the first time in a long time. I like the way that fucking idiot has all but disappearred from any media coverage in months. I bet he is scared and sad for how bad he has fucked up our entire country in a way not seen in a century. Thank you for indulging my need to get that off my of this moment I am done with George Fucking Bush. Bring in the new guy!


Well-Known Member
The repercussions of this administration will reverberate for many years to come. We may see new administrations come and go, but this administration has seen a vast expansion of Executive power that is unlikely to be rescinded by any future administrations including the Obama administration. It is unlikely that we will see any repeal of PATRIOT, FISA, CALEA in the near future as Obama voted in favor of 2 of the 3.


Well-Known Member
Imagine what his dad thinks having to live with the fact that his son fucked up the country probably more so than any other person ever.


Well-Known Member
ya my bush support has fallin allot in the past two years but I would take him for another four years over obama.


Well-Known Member
Still nearly two months left and still plenty of shit for the little prince to fuck up before he goes.


Well-Known Member
What about the legacy of their father the daughters will live through... good.. suffer..(sorry..I shouldn't..but)


New Member
ya my bush support has fallin allot in the past two years but I would take him for another four years over obama.
Yeah, I didn't vote for him either time he ran, but he was better than Gore or Kerry combined ... they were the most viable alternate choices. If George Bush would have found his veto pen, he would have had a much better presidency.



Well-Known Member
Yeah, I didn't vote for him either time he ran, but he was better than Gore or Kerry combined ... they were the most viable alternate choices. If George Bush would have found his veto pen, he would have had a much better presidency.

Hey Vi..
Thats a common theme on both sides of the border..the best of a bad bunch... but boy... would foresight have been a good thing.......


New Member
I am so glad this past 8 years is almost over. It will feel good to not be embarressed about our president for the first time in a long time. I like the way that fucking idiot has all but disappearred from any media coverage in months. I bet he is scared and sad for how bad he has fucked up our entire country in a way not seen in a century. Thank you for indulging my need to get that off my of this moment I am done with George Fucking Bush. Bring in the new guy!
I'd like to see this guy go to his ranch and blow his head off from all the grief he's caused, but this is a spoiled rich kid all grown up with a few billion bucks at his disposal, I'm afraid he can create his own reality where he is still king and there are serfs around him to beckon to his every whim. Maybe one real hero will work his way into the secret lair and cut his head clean off, that would be some good news for sure.


Well-Known Member
Readthis from TIME today:

I'd add the bracing moment of Bush with the bullhorn in the ruins of the World Trade Center, but that was neutered in my memory by his ridiculous, preening appearance in a flight suit on the deck of the aircraft carrier beneath the "Mission Accomplished" sign. The flight-suit image is one of the two defining moments of the Bush failure. The other is the photo of Bush staring out the window of Air Force One, helplessly viewing the destruction wrought by Hurricane Katrina. This is a presidency that has wobbled between those two poles - overweening arrogance and paralytic incompetence.