Anyone else watching the Kyle Rittenhouse trial?


Well-Known Member
My post wasn't emotional. It was bare fact.
You’re emotional right now. They’ve already dropped the minor with the firearm so that is a moot point. It comes down to whether he was reasonable to fear for his life and use deadly force in that situation. I’ll be damn surprised if they convict him. We will have to wait and see


Well-Known Member
I’m not agreeing with everything that he did but I do believe it was self defense. I just think it’s funny how upset people are over this and taking sides most without knowing all the details.
That’s not how the law works. The prosecutors had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn’t self defense. Everything else about how I feel, you feel, or the media, the judge, the public feels is irrelevant. It’s not a popularity contest. And though I don’t think he should of been there I will say the same about the rest of the people there that night. This was a political shit show from the gate
Can you tell me how the law works in regard to provocation and self-defense in a reckless homicide charge?


Well-Known Member
Can you prove that without a reasonable doubt he didn’t fear that his life was in danger after being chased towards the cars? Remember this isn’t about anything but that. People tend to back the side they agree with more even before knowing the facts.
There is a trial going on for that. Your post is just another of a string of browbeating people because you can't convince them that what they say was not murder. People can form opinions without applying legal standards. For example, Rittenhouse acted guilty as all hell the night he shot three people. Didn't offer aid, didn't turn himself in to the police, he just ran like he was a guilty of murder. He sure seems guilty to me, be that's my opinion. It is based upon facts but nobody is going to have their liberty deprived because of my opinion.

Did he in fact commit murder and will he get punished for it? That's what the trial is for.


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pointing guns at pedestrians like these 2 yahoos did is a deadly threat. Using deadly force to defend would be justified in shooting them. Not much different.
I don’t know all the facts in that case but correct me if I’m wrong. The people that surrounded their home broke down a gate to a private community? Also did any of them get on their property? To be honest with something like this I would have to know more facts to develop an opinion. Were the people just walking by or were they aggressive and antagonizing people? All that comes into play.


Well-Known Member
i think we need a check for bamboo fibers on those jurors chosen..

oh! and..sure seems like he's done this once or twice before..isn't he a Medic?:lol:


this^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^is not self defense.
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Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
That’s not how the law works. The prosecutors had to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that it wasn’t self defense. Everything else about how I feel, you feel, or the media, the judge, the public feels is irrelevant. It’s not a popularity contest. And though I don’t think he should of been there I will say the same about the rest of the people there that night. This was a political shit show from the gate you know how the law works...when it works to let a murderer off because he has an ancient racist asshole for a judge...


Well-Known Member
There is a trial going on for that. Your post is just another of a string of browbeating people because you can't convince them that what they say was not murder. People can form opinions without applying legal standards. For example, Rittenhouse acted guilty as all hell the night he shot three people. Didn't offer aid, didn't turn himself in to the police, he just ran like he was a guilty of murder. He sure seems guilty to me, be that's my opinion. It is based upon facts but nobody is going to have their liberty deprived because of my opinion.

Did he in fact commit murder and will he get punished for it? That's what the trial is for.

Once again that’s your opinion just like mine is mine.


Well-Known Member you know how the law works...when it works to let a murderer off because he has an ancient racist asshole for a judge...

He’s racist how? Because he didn’t go along with the prosecution? Because he has a patriotic song on his phone? What did he do that is racist? Make a comment about food being stuck on cargo ships?


Well-Known Member
You mean 'OJ innocent'?
That was a long time ago I forgot all the facts. One thing I know is I was waiting in line and to show you just how uninformed people are a woman was talking about it saying “ Everybody knows that he shot her.” But the facts were a knife was used


Well-Known Member
I don’t know all the facts in that case but correct me if I’m wrong. The people that surrounded their home broke down a gate to a private community? Also did any of them get on their property? To be honest with something like this I would have to know more facts to develop an opinion. Were the people just walking by or were they aggressive and antagonizing people? All that comes into play.
no the pedestrians were just walking by their home. They were walking on a public sidewalk. These 2 were lucky nobody was armed in the crowd, self defense would be justified.


Well-Known Member

Kenosha's Killer Kyle pointing a gun that got a response that ended up with him killing 2 people and disabling a third.

This really is open and shut case, it is just down to if there is a juror that lets him off or not.

I couldn’t vote guilty on a grainy image even if that was the defining factor. Even say he did point his rifle what was the reason? I’m not saying he did or didn’t but I don’t see this as proof that Kyle The Commie Killer (or whatever you called him )is guilty of anything