Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

actually they are...it's all in the owners unfortunately and that's what sux
Not always...I know a lady my age....they had a "sweet pitbull", family raised. One day, totally unprovoked they think, the dog attacked her 2 y.o. grand daughter out on the back deck. They had to hit it in the head with a hammer to get it to release, and the child barely survived....and was brutally scarred in her face and head. They think the child reached for the dogs toy or treat, as she was unsupervised for just a moment and the dog attacked. Who knows maybe the kid grabbed the dog.

But I do agree, how they are raised does have a lot to do with it...I've had 3 German Shepherds, also on the black list, and all 3 would take a cookie out of a babies hand as gently as could be...They might knock the baby down and take the cookie, but no biting, lol.

It's a really weird day...62f, balmy warm, but eerily quiet...Not a bird anywhere in sight. It's kind of freaky!!

OK dentist then dabs! Then I should take a bike ride...Maybe!!
@BobBitchen back in the 90s, my buddy and his pops were camping near mammoth. My buddy left a half eaten pack of M&Ms in the car, and a bear came through in the middle of the night and tore the door open to get to them. Broke the locking mechanism and everything…

They had to drive home with the door bungie corded shut.

ah, good times!

Edit: I think it was a hatchback Ford Fiesta or festiva from the 80s…lol
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@BudmanTX do you machine all types of engines or specialize in a certain brand . I’m a total gear head . I have a 6.0L LS waiting for a stroked crank and a turbo.

i'm specialized in the air cooled volkswagen machine work

i do blocks, heads, cranks, and flywheels for them......i was gonna try balancing, but the cost is a little high for me, at least for the moment...