Yeah, that and you find a show, like Dogs 101, and it's gonna have the ONE breed that you've been waiting like MONTHS to see them show, and that section is the ONE fucking section you fall asleep during. And then wake up in time for the God damned Shitzus.lolz. well you kno ur really fried when you take a nap or wake up from a late night of whatever and think its like 10am when its really 10pm......
Yes, you did.haha i dont really think i got a straight answer with this one...
but i just checked and one of my seeds sprouted about an inch out the soil
really not... keep em wet, what i do is a stick them in wet soil and a few times a day i spray the top of the soil where the seeds are a couple times. I do this until i see sprouts then i return to normal watering once the sprout shows leafs.You never want to over-water. Wait until the soil is DRY, like crusty dry on top, to water.
Cannabis is a weed, you must treat it as such. I know it's hard not to baby them, but it really is for the best. Just let them do their thing, and water when it needs it.
About how much to water, I like to water until I see some drain out of the bottom. My girls in 5 gal buckets get about 1-2 liters every 5-6 days.