DIY with Quantum Boards

It is a hell of a deal! I paid $588 for 4 boards shipped from so at retail that would be $175 per board with a heatsink.

Hmmm.... I've got an extra DIY 650R copy on a 600R heatsink. Maybe I'll have the heatsink cut in half to give me two, almost square heatsinks that will mount two boards each, with one of those 200 watt drivers. I bet that would be perfect for my 32"x32"x60" tent.

The qb200 is already a crazy good deal, less than a quarter of the price of the 650r but almost a 3rd the watts.
I just got word that the code will not apply to the 200, as the price is already discounted. And they are right. A Diablo board and a heatsink From cobkits is $177.50 PLUS shipping Then you need a driver. The XLG 200 H goes for about $45.00 plus shipping. So there's already $245 to diy it and then there is wiring and cannectors etc. I'f I didn't already have extra boards kicking around, I'd buy one!

Just tried to use the code and still no go
I just got word that the code will not apply to the 200, as the price is already discounted. And they are right. A Diablo board and a heatsink From cobkits is $177.50 PLUS shipping Then you need a driver. The XLG 200 H goes for about $45.00 plus shipping. So there's already $245 to diy it and then there is wiring and cannectors etc. I'f I didn't already have extra boards kicking around, I'd buy one!
That's what I figured actually... I wish I could go pick it up since its only like maybe an hour and a half or two to get from here to Columbus... I'm in Ohio remember... Maybe I could meet @Stephenj37826 down there,get a tour of the place... That would be sweet!!!
I hate the new HLG website. It took me a google search to even find the new 200 on the site, and you can't order items from lowest to highest, etc. The old site worked fine. It it ain't broke, dun fix it.

This unfortunately has never applied to computer programming. Expect it to continue to get worse as the new generation enters the workforce.
Web design isn't computer programming. It's basic layout markup.


This unfortunately has never applied to computer programming or basic layout markup. Expect it to continue to get worse as the new generation enters the workforce.

My point was I know people who make websites for a living, and they are idiots.

This unfortunately has never applied to computer programming or basic layout markup. Expect it to continue to get worse as the new generation enters the workforce.
Take it from someone who learned HTML back in the early 2000's.. Your statement simply isn't true.
I didn't mean to offend you, PJ. You won the argument, ok? Computer programmers are great and getting better every day...
I'm not offended, just clarifying. A lot of people seem to think that web designers are programmers, but they aren't. I'm neither a web designer or a programmer, however I can design web pages and also write some basic programs.
I'm not offended, just clarifying. A lot of people seem to think that web designers are programmers, but they aren't. I'm neither a web designer or a programmer, however I can design web pages and also write some basic programs.

I hate the new HLG website. It took me a google search to even find the new 200 on the site, and you can't order items from lowest to highest, etc. The old site worked fine. It it ain't broke, dun fix it.
I agree. I actually left a message on their site about the new site sucking.

Writing web pages isn't programming.
It can consist of programming actually. I have a minor in computer science and we learned languages that are used to program websites. Java and C (including C#) were a couple of them.

But I understand what you're saying. A lot of sites just follow a website building program and all the programming is done behind the scenes by the website development program.
My point was supposed to be about my generation. Us kids who got trophies for losing. They make shitty adults. Whatever profession they chose. And that's why a lot of industries seem to be falling apart, in my opinion.

Not specific to computer programming but that just happens to be the field that most of them went into.
My point was supposed to be about my generation. Us kids who got trophies for losing. They make shitty adults. Whatever profession they chose. And that's why a lot of industries seem to be falling apart, in my opinion.

Not specific to computer programming but that just happens to be the field that most of them went into.
