Tips on curing large amount if weed

I just thought of this idea. Go to your food cabinet and make a whole bunch of spaghetti sauce. Spaghetti sauce bottles are glass. I also have a pickle jars as well as gravy and don’t forget about cheese dip that you get from the stores that are in a glass bottle. Go to the dollar store and get that one dollar spaghetti so you get it right! Food is on and so is the sink of hot water with soap and bleach to soak.. save the tops…
Did you seriously just revive a three year dead thread to spew this stupid nonsense???
See ive heard plastic containers arnt that good?! Also heard that turkey bags would suffice..?
I use plastic totes lined with 3mil black plastic contractors trash bags. The buds are in paper grocery bags, placed in the contractors bag, inside of the totes. Just twist the plastic bag shut and put the lid on them.
To exchange the air just take the top off and fluff upt the plastic bag.
I grow a years worth each summer and this has worked well for me.
Although you should only need 48 jars. It does take some time to open each one. The method I mentioned takes considerably less time to accomplish the same task. I just use jars to hold what I plan on smoking in th near future.
Good luck friend!