its been a minute but was wondering if you guys could help


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone its been a while i think smart phones were brand new and i had no kids anyways...

I started growing again first my buddy gifted me a 3x2 tent and a 150 watt led i found some seeds out of a dispensary i use and it was really good stuff so i threw them in water and here we go.

I started a troubled thread but decided not to put up about how i was using my kitchen filtered water but then notice a few weeks in my plants not looking so great turns out my faucet water is a 9ph so i flushed and thought about throwing them out since i was getting really good seeds from greenhouse seed company and wanted to start fresh

But i decided to just push through try and fix it myself and it went pretty well these are them today


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Sp my question to you all is i think i have a magnesium def or manganese these babes are pretty tall already and wantvto start flowering now to make room for my lemon skunks and bubba kushes i want in veg tent but should i do the flower with the def or fix then flower
be carefull useing filtered water, some filters will leave the water full of sodium ions and or mess with the ph so im told, i know for a fact that some will add sodium ions to the water, but was unaware of the ph flutuations caused by some filters.
they look great to me and its highly unlikely you have a manganese defficiancy, its needed in such minute quantaties that it should allready be in the water
be carefull useing filtered water, some filters will leave the water full of sodium ions and or mess with the ph so im told, i know for a fact that some will add sodium ions to the water, but was unaware of the ph flutuations caused by some filters.
they look great to me and its highly unlikely you have a manganese defficiancy, its needed in such minute quantaties that it should allready be in the water
Dont i know it i just do deposit bottles that i fill up at the grocery with the deionized triple filter you know the stuff the best weed ive ever grown was using just that so heres to the tryed and true method
Hey everyone its been a while i think smart phones were brand new and i had no kids anyways...

I started growing again first my buddy gifted me a 3x2 tent and a 150 watt led i found some seeds out of a dispensary i use and it was really good stuff so i threw them in water and here we go.

I started a troubled thread but decided not to put up about how i was using my kitchen filtered water but then notice a few weeks in my plants not looking so great turns out my faucet water is a 9ph so i flushed and thought about throwing them out since i was getting really good seeds from greenhouse seed company and wanted to start fresh

But i decided to just push through try and fix it myself and it went pretty well these are them today
Where is the question?
Question was third post, they believe they have a manganese or magnesium defiency and want to know if they should fix that before flowering. Plant looks fine to me tho, id just flower and water with some calmag, couldnt hurt.
Ill give her a whirl like you say couldnt hurt


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Ill give her a whirl like you say couldnt hurt
New growth is normally lighter yellow. It's impossible to give advice on whether to add that without knowing what you are already feeding it. The plant looks good but borderline overfed already. I would monitor it to make sure the new growth darkens to green as it grows. I'd refrain from adding anything else especially without knowing more info. Good luck.
This isn't true. Most calcium and magnesium deficiencies are caused by overfeeding CalMag and not from a lack of them. Excess calcium causes a lockout of magnesium and vise versa.
True. But considering theyre using filtered water and manufacters guidelines probably take tapwater into consideration i doubt hell run a risk of a toxicity problem unless he really pours it on