Well-Known Member
Hey everyone its been a while i think smart phones were brand new and i had no kids anyways...
I started growing again first my buddy gifted me a 3x2 tent and a 150 watt led i found some seeds out of a dispensary i use and it was really good stuff so i threw them in water and here we go.
I started a troubled thread but decided not to put up about how i was using my kitchen filtered water but then notice a few weeks in my plants not looking so great turns out my faucet water is a 9ph so i flushed and thought about throwing them out since i was getting really good seeds from greenhouse seed company and wanted to start fresh
But i decided to just push through try and fix it myself and it went pretty well these are them today
I started growing again first my buddy gifted me a 3x2 tent and a 150 watt led i found some seeds out of a dispensary i use and it was really good stuff so i threw them in water and here we go.
I started a troubled thread but decided not to put up about how i was using my kitchen filtered water but then notice a few weeks in my plants not looking so great turns out my faucet water is a 9ph so i flushed and thought about throwing them out since i was getting really good seeds from greenhouse seed company and wanted to start fresh
But i decided to just push through try and fix it myself and it went pretty well these are them today