Alien GreenThumbs
So how do Bottled Nutrient Companies determine these amounts? Nutes were started long ago for indoor growers using 1k watt hps hoods, not for outdoor vegetables. There were no leds or par meters or ppfd yada yada. How did indoor nutrient companies making nutes specifically for weed determine doses or start with a control sample? It had to be what was mostly used at the time. Yes lights have come a long way and power consumption has been lost in translation, but there had to be a control of some kind. Most yields are based on a square meter right? So 1k watts in a square meter sounds like a control to me, we just need pot size. Even though lighting has changed, you really think nute companies will change their labels? No! They want you to use too much and keep buying more thinking you need it. Thats why almost all labels show feedings weekly. They know the average grower will use the product every week or try to. Sorry for the rant...i had a bowl and coffee and im ready to take on the universe. I apologize