Random Jabber Jibber thread

He is switching his ips by using VPNS and tors, additionally hes hiding behind secure email providers made for private web surfing,

It's not the first little pecker like this on the internet. Hopefully you have a "managed" server at a good place that can help.
He is switching his ips by using VPNS and tors, additionally hes hiding behind secure email providers made for private web surfing,
Ok how about this, change ur avatar pic to some very unattractive male pic...like repugnant, repulsive...see if that hits a neural fight or flight type reaction and he loses interest? I think thats asking alot but this sounds like gloves are off and i say you sucker punch the dude where all men are vulnerable
Ok how about this, change ur avatar pic to some very unattractive male pic...like repugnant, repulsive...see if that hits a neural fight or flight type reaction and he loses interest? I think thats asking alot but this sounds like gloves are off and i say you sucker punch the dude where all men are vulnerable
I'm gonna say he's simply a chicken shit keyboard warrior wannabe that likes trying to intimidate people online because he's too scared to do it in person. Wishing pain/death on a child or their mother shows situational desperation.

He needs help badly!