What is the medium, not all wick the sameIs this possible? If I poured water directly into the drip tray under the pot, would the medium draw up the water?
What is the medium, not all wick the same
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but investing in a proper soil will bring much better weed than whatever you spending money on in your space. Yes environment is important but growing in compost and farm manure seems like the cheapest snd least effective way to take care of cannabis plants.Just regular compost with some farm manure mixed in.
I have just tried it. I poured 500ml of plain water in to each of their drip trays and they all sucked it up until the drip trays were virtually dry. Judging by the pot weight now, they are all about as moist as they need to be.
I will continue with bottom watering and see how it goes.
Also, as a side note, after 4 days of no watering and putting out many sticky traps, I didn't see any fungus gnats. I have decided to hit them with some Nematodes, as I can get them easily from Amazon. I am setting up a new grow space and I have invested a lot of time and many £££ to radically improve my weed. I have taken time and care in training the plants through veg and I am not going to have it fucked up by fucking fungus gnats.
Also H2o2 at 9% mixed in a 1 to 9 ratio with water apparently will work but I’ve never tried it.
you could also try a root drench of citric acid powder.
3 teaspoons per litre of water as it’s a contact killer.
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but investing in a proper soil will bring much better weed than whatever you spending money on in your space. Yes environment is important but growing in compost and farm manure seems like the cheapest snd least effective way to take care of cannabis plants.
compost is invaluable but more at ratios of 30-40 percent of a peat based soil with plenty of aeration as well. Straight compost is good for garden beds outside and topping / rejuvenate old soil/beds.
Ahh gotcha. It’s like spongy snd has perlite? Among other additives?I think in the UK "compost" may refer to the same thing as "potting mix" in the US...I could definitely be mistaken though...
Please don’t take this the wrong way, but investing in a proper soil will bring much better weed than whatever you spending money on in your space. Yes environment is important but growing in compost and farm manure seems like the cheapest snd least effective way to take care of cannabis plants.
compost is invaluable but more at ratios of 30-40 percent of a peat based soil with plenty of aeration as well. Straight compost is good for garden beds outside and topping / rejuvenate old soil/beds.
I think in the UK "compost" may refer to the same thing as "potting mix" in the US...I could definitely be mistaken though...
Time to start making leaf mold I guess… i don’t know how I would grow without my promix base.