Check this out! WAter quality reports search your city with ease!


Well-Known Member
Good Info. I guess my city is too small to even be on the 'small list'...

But you can also go to your local City Hall and request the latest Water Inspection Report for the city that you live in. Very enlightening.


Active Member
the well water i use is always changing the ph, i use general hydro food and the ph islawys to low i add the ph stuff and its fine for awhile then the ph start dropping again.does the ph up
when diluted with water hurt the plants.. yhanks for any reply


Well-Known Member
Good Info. I guess my city is too small to even be on the 'small list'...

But you can also go to your local City Hall and request the latest Water Inspection Report for the city that you live in. Very enlightening.
i thought id have the same problem but i found my town and it says it only serves like 3079 people lol, Ive got some fine water though they got it as 22ppm i test it at 25 but either way i here ppl on here talk about ther water got like 500,700ppm out of the tap so i always just figured my water rocks and i always use it and never had a problem


Well-Known Member
glad i helped, it's a cool thing to come home too. I guess letting my tapwater sit out overnight might not be enough, rofl.


Well-Known Member
I jst ordered gh flora micro hardwater. It is the micro for people with bad water. Albfuct swears by tapwater so until i get my next paycheck when i get ro i will be 24 houring it and using hardwater nuts.

Red Bull

Active Member
Thanks for the link +rep i'm never drinking tap water again. i always wondered why people around my city stayed sick all the time..this is f**ked up. i'm glad i never feed my plants tap...


Well-Known Member
No one's tapwater is the same, and I believe Al's in Australia.
the well water i use is always changing the ph, i use general hydro food and the ph islawys to low i add the ph stuff and its fine for awhile then the ph start dropping again.does the ph up
when diluted with water hurt the plants.. yhanks for any reply
No, it's not harmful as long as you don't use too much, or use that which uses only salts (sodium) in large quantities. Test before and after using the products. Also, consider using something like SeaChem's aquarium buffer products. Much easier to buffer UP than down in my experience, much easier.

Edit: Ok, so we're on well water, and it's a very deep well (almost 800'). But, I've found some of the closer areas to us that do use muni water. And..! Lead, oh yeah. They're calling these pollutants industrial pollutants, but in our area that's impossible, these are naturally occurring pollutants. The one reading I really don't get, though, is the high nitrate level (averaging .45ppm!), trying to wrap my head around how that gets there in an upcountry source. In other words, downcountry, near the farms and cattle, yeah, I can see that, but up here..? Hm.


Well-Known Member
someone want to use tapwater. I thought i would bump this. Tapwater looks better than soaking my weed in heroin for a chemical burst! Hey thanks for all the rep, i got my second star. That's what it is all about in the underground marijana comunity, fame and notiriety!!! Rofl.