I have a girlfriend that I have been fooling around with on and off since the age of 15. We finally reconnected 8 years ago and she moved in after a few months.
We fall out alot cause I don't trust her and she does funny things. After 7 years we fell out and she moved with her mother. She had already gotten mean and want no sex. Yelling at me , sleeping at the other end of the bed, getting agrivated when I touch her while we sleep.
She kept staying over every weekend but goes back to her mother's every week for work to take a work van. She won't let me take her to work.eveytime I ask the simplest of questions she snaps telling me to stop asking her questions, but gets jealous and ask me a few questions a month.
Now my sister died she came to move back in, took off work 2 weeks of work for my sister death. I buy her things but she never left until she got her job 8 months ago out of 8 years. She's ran alot in the past but not like this. She's always right, and watch all her shows on tv.
She does things for me but now her daughter missing and I can't use her phone and blocked from her Facebook. But when she's here she's with me all of the time..what's going on.
I realized in many relationships that if I'm complaining about my girlfriend to other people, it's probably time to end it. That or live with the stress everyday.
I eventually met someone who connected with me about 90%. The other 10% we work on. We're married now but marriage does nothing to improve the relationship. It's really just saying to the other person that you want to start a family with them and you're committed.
Being single is cool too. People find what is best for them.
If you feel this girl is your last chance, she isn't. It just takes time to meet someone new. Big tip, don't meet girls at bars or clubs. Meet them in places that you're interested in. Example like if you like tennis join some tennis clubs. That way you already share something you enjoy thats in common.
I hope this make sense, I was a bit baked when I wrote it.