

New Member
I'm new to all this. I was diagnosed with a very progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago. There is little treatment for it.( None at all if I'm to believe the neurologist) They are trialing Medicinal Marijuana over here ( I'm in Ireland) but as of yet its not approved.
I've managed to grow a beautiful CBD low THC plant , and need to harvest her .
I have no access to a dehydrator, but have an oven, an airfryer and radiators.
Any suggestions how to dry, and indeed how to consume!
I'm a complete novice, but have been told it really helps with the very painful spasms and inflammation and general pain.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
Sorry to hear of your medical issues. Like has been said don't use an oven or dehydrator but just hang it and let it dry. You might want to think about making edibles instead of smoking.

I'm new to all this. I was diagnosed with a very progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago. There is little treatment for it.( None at all if I'm to believe the neurologist) They are trialing Medicinal Marijuana over here ( I'm in Ireland) but as of yet its not approved.
I've managed to grow a beautiful CBD low THC plant , and need to harvest her .
I have no access to a dehydrator, but have an oven, an airfryer and radiators.
Any suggestions how to dry, and indeed how to consume!
I'm a complete novice, but have been told it really helps with the very painful spasms and inflammation and general pain.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
One plant you're going to have to smoke it. Too little for extract or RSO or FECO. Investigate making a tincture using Everclear or Purol. Easy enough to do just using a jar with a lid.

Israel is the world leader in the use of cannabis medically.
I'm new to all this. I was diagnosed with a very progressive form of Multiple Sclerosis 3 years ago. There is little treatment for it.( None at all if I'm to believe the neurologist) They are trialing Medicinal Marijuana over here ( I'm in Ireland) but as of yet its not approved.
I've managed to grow a beautiful CBD low THC plant , and need to harvest her .
I have no access to a dehydrator, but have an oven, an airfryer and radiators.
Any suggestions how to dry, and indeed how to consume!
I'm a complete novice, but have been told it really helps with the very painful spasms and inflammation and general pain.
Any help gratefully appreciated.
you want a space that is dark, gentle air movement (no fans blowing directly on the buds), 60 to 70 Fahrenheit and 50 to 60% relative humidity. this is considered a good range for drying cannabis. as mentioned above, no heat. you want to shoot for a dry that takes at least 10 to 14 days. anything shorter and the quality of the finished product will be negatively impacted. best of luck with your health and your harvest!
That sucks bro.

Hang the plant in a lower humidity area until the stems snap.

Never use heat to dry a plant.
Hi Thanks, sadly Ireland is very very damp. so humidity is everywhere, The top of the plant was beginning to get mouldy so I've decided its time to harvest.
U could take a cardboard box and wrap it in some newspaper... just remember to air it out daily and change the newspapers from time to time..i have done this in the past and worked out well.

And when its start to be ready to go in a jar or container u could look into Boveda humidor packets to archieve optimal humidity :)

Sorry to hear u are fighting this <3 Hugs from denmark :)
Mold, cut out what you see then get a bucket with 4-5 gallons water and a liter of 3% hydrogen peroxide. Dunk the branches a couple times then dunk them in fresh water to rinse. Shake the water off, use a fan or paper towels to get them dry, then hang in a dark, cool space. First time drying and curing it’s really difficult to “feel” when they’re ready to jar so i suggest weighing a couple cuttings. The first 24 hours they lose 20-30% weight. After a couple days the weight loss slows. When the loss is near zero in a 24 hour period they are ready to jar. The only thing worse than drying to long is not drying long enough, weighing daily takes out the guesswork and the paper bags, slices of fruit, refrigeration, all the remedies for bad drying.