2nd grow, need advice


Hello all, me and my mom are growing 2 plants and we are having some issues with tip burn.
I know tip burn is caused by to much nutrients, but I've only feed them low dosages and I flushed.

My tent (panda and pvc) measures, 7.7' high, 4.6' wide and 3.8' out from the wall.
I'm running a Atreum VELA 320W led grow light.
I'm growing in 3 gallon root pouches.
The medium I'm using is, Pro-Mix Premium Moisture Potting Mix, I mix with crushed red lava rocks.
I'm feeding with dyna-gro fp w/ protekt.
Growing 2 plants, Bag of oranges and Chocolate deisel.

I was having a condensation problem, so I had to get a sheet of 2" thick r-10 insulation to put under the tent and that fixed the problem.

I make sure the water is kept @ room temp now (Luke warm to the touch).

I started feeding at 2.5 weeks in, first time I mixed a smidgen in a gallon and feed, after that gallon was used up, I mixed a dash in a gallon and my problems started. I started getting tip burn, it burned a good 1" to maybe an 1 1/2" from the tip up, so I cut at least 12 leaves off the orange and the chocolate didn't burn so bad, just very little tip burn.

I was thinking that it was the cold water and floor that made the roots cold and shocked the plant leading to a build up of nutrients, so I flushed and feed after the pots dried out and I started getting tip burn again, but not as bad.

Now I'm thinking this soil may have slow release nutrients in it, so I called pro-mix and the women just read the web site to me...

Now I'm just watering, I haven't feed in weeks and now I'm in flower and they are both flowering.

Does anyone know about or have any experience with this type of pro-mix soil?

Edit; I didn't water till runoff at first, but I've been watering till runoff for over a month now...

Edit Again; 12/12 cycle for about 2 weeks and budding for a little over a week.20211208_084036.jpg20211208_084025.jpg20211208_083714.jpg20211208_083708.jpg20211208_083704.jpg20211208_083658.jpg20211208_083652.jpg20211208_083646.jpg20211208_083641.jpg20211208_083636.jpg
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"This high-quality peat-based potting soil provides the best results, thanks to mycorrhizae that build stronger roots and give healthier, bigger and more productive plants.

You can also count on the natural coco fiber to increase moisture retention. Therefore, you spend less time worrying about under or overwatering your plants.

This compressed pack contains 2 cu.ft. of potting soil and comes in a recyclable bag, an ecological choice using 2x less bags. With PRO-MIX, enjoy gardening all year long!"

There's no nutrients or fertilizer in this mix. Feed those. Don't worry about blanched tips right now.
OK, I just watered, so on the next one ill feed.

I mixed up a 1/4 tsp of FP and protekt in a gallon, just gotta let the water sit and get room temp, so next watering should be good. These plants are going through water every two or three days now...

I got some test strips, but they turned out to be junk, so I'm looking at a meter on amazon.

Is this one any good?

On a side note, I might need to look at another soil option, so fare I'm not a fan of pro-mix...

Thanks for replying, I will keep y'all updated. ;0)
Should I add another 1/4 tsp per gallon? That would make it 1/2 tsp per gallon...

I didn't want to go over board and fry the plants. lol
Should I add another 1/4 tsp per gallon? That would make it 1/2 tsp per gallon...

I didn't want to go over board and fry the plants. lol
I wouldn't recommend increasing the strength of the nutrients. Just start feeding them like normal again. It's also important to look at the new growth for signs of deficiency or toxicity as the old leaves that are already damaged will stay that way.
Ok, I did notice that some small bottom leaves are turning yellow, the inner leaves not the fan leaves and some have already shriveled and dried up. Not all, but a couple have...

I do keep the soil top clean, so I pull these off as I spot them.

I must have messed up big somewhere, I read up on this stuff for over a year and I have never read anything on pro-mix creating problems like this...

I just can't figure it out, I'm trying to find a pH test that's reliable, but I don't have the funds for an expensive meter.
I'm thinking about getting that GH pH test solution, is this any good?

Once again, thanks to everyone for taking time out to help me. I'm not going to quit, we have put way to much money into this and we just really love cannabis... lol
Ok, I did notice that some small bottom leaves are turning yellow, the inner leaves not the fan leaves and some have already shriveled and dried up. Not all, but a couple have...

I do keep the soil top clean, so I pull these off as I spot them.

I must have messed up big somewhere, I read up on this stuff for over a year and I have never read anything on pro-mix creating problems like this...

I just can't figure it out, I'm trying to find a pH test that's reliable, but I don't have the funds for an expensive meter.
I'm thinking about getting that GH pH test solution, is this any good?

Once again, thanks to everyone for taking time out to help me. I'm not going to quit, we have put way to much money into this and we just really love cannabis... lol
I buy my test strips at walmart and they are fine. Aim for a ph of 6.5 to 7.0. Should get you in the optimal range.
Should I add another 1/4 tsp per gallon? That would make it 1/2 tsp per gallon...

I didn't want to go over board and fry the plants. lol
1-2 tsp is the recommended dose per gallon of your nute.
You can use less when your medium already has nutes in it, like Fox Farms or Roots.
If your medium has no nutes, 1/4 tsp isn’t enough, especially if you didn’t feed them this far into growth.
Definitely up your nutes. While trying not to fry them you’re starving them.
Dr. I think you're right!

I almost loved them to death, I was scared of frying them... :0(

Isn't there a defency that causes tip burn?

Anyways, I feed them till run off with a 1 tsp per gallon mix. Next I'll do 2 tsp...
mag sulfate ( epsom ) or Fish hydrolysate can help green them up also.

Alaska fish fertilizer for example.
I have the light set a little past half and about 3' above the plants. The orange is taller then the chocolate.

The whole room temp stays between 70 - 73 degrees day and night, I have a heater with temp controls.

Not sure about humidity, my mom has to run a humidifier in her room or she will get real dry.

I ran out of money before I could get the testing gadgets I needed, the light really set me back... :0(
Dr. I think you're right!

I almost loved them to death, I was scared of frying them... :0(

Isn't there a defency that causes tip burn?

Anyways, I feed them till run off with a 1 tsp per gallon mix. Next I'll do 2 tsp...

K deficiency causes tip burn but it usually goes in further than just the tips. Epsom can lockout K as well. Get a good fertilizer that’s balanced in k and mg or check the stuff you have
I started feeding a 2 tsp per gallon mix and I noticed that the plants are starting to get a little frost on the leaves around the buds. :P

I also stopped feeding with protekt...

I lowered the light, it's hanging a foot over the orange and a little over a foot over the chocolate.

My tent condensation problem is back. It's only on the bottom around the tent edges. I feed them earlier, I cleaned up the bottom of the tent and closed everything up. I went back in about an hour later and the room was 78 and I could feel the humidity, when I opened the tent it was worse, I started sweating. I just went back in to clean the condensation up, adjust the light and make a fan adjustment and the room and tent felt fine and the temp was at 74.

I do water till run off and I got a good bit of run off this time. Could this be my problem, I'm watering to much?

I thought the insulfoam board did the trick, the tent floor is warm and this is the first time I've had this problem in weeks and I have watered a few times and didn't have any condensation.

I think I may need to get a bag of rock salt, has anyone had any success doing this?
also, I only cut one vent in the tent, the bottom one in the pictures.

here are some pic's I just took at lights out, I hope they are ok.

should I feed, water, feed or feed, feed, water?20211212_203746.jpg20211212_203844.jpg20211212_203837.jpg20211212_203827.jpg20211212_203818.jpg20211212_203814.jpg20211212_203810.jpg20211212_203801.jpg20211212_203806.jpg20211130_213917.jpg

I slipped in a pic of our Pitbull, Kali... :P