How long does it take to get good at this?


Well-Known Member
I'm not a "big fish" but I'll guarantee that commercial grows aren't using tomato fertilizer. I've know a guy that runs one out west. They run advanced.
My gear chain is gavita and fluence LEDs, cloud coir, #7 smart pots, House n Garden nutes.
I just started a grow journal, your welcome to follow it.
No they will be using a bulk solution, like Jacks or Ionic. But the point still stands that they will be using a standard base nutrient and not fucking about with all of these bottles at 5 times the price. A basic liquid seaweed plant food suits my needs, if were growing on a large scale it would be a different matter. I am very much a home grower.

I am firmly of the belief that weed is as easy to grow as any other crop. For an example I grew outdoors in a poly tunnel last summer, some Autos. That is the easiest plant I have ever grown, stuck it in a good soil mix and just applied some LST. Watered once a week up until the second week after flowering had started and then just fed with Tomorite weekly until they finished. That was 10oz of some of the easiest and nicest weed I have ever grown. Very simple and very easy.

I have just replaced all of my lights for some TS1000s and they took a day or two to dial in, honestly I sent them into light shock. I had it down as overwatering, but after some research light shock was proven to be the issue and it was very easy to rectify. Again research and common sense.

Growing weed is easy, people over think things and over complicate them. KISS


Well-Known Member
I've found that GH Flora Trio works good for me. I can get 3, 6 gallon jugs for $379 out the door, and it will last me a whole grow with ~90 plants. I've heard of Jacks 321, but im too lazy to mix it up.
i could never justify that when I can get a 25lb bag of Jack's for less than 50 bucks. At a dilution rate of 1 tbs/gallon of water I'll let you do the math....

Milky Weed

Well-Known Member
I've found that GH Flora Trio works good for me. I can get 3, 6 gallon jugs for $379 out the door, and it will last me a whole grow with ~90 plants. I've heard of Jacks 321, but im too lazy to mix it up.
I’ve just been using jacks 20-10-20 peat lite. It has no calcium or sulfur in it. My tap has abit too much calcium so I’m working out the kinks, but it’s nice just throwing one fert into my mix with a dash of epsom. Still working it out the calcium has been a big issue to balance out. Seems to constantly want to lock everything else out.


Well-Known Member
i could never justify that when I can get a 25lb bag of Jack's for less than 50 bucks. At a dilution rate of 1 tbs/gallon of water I'll let you do the math....
For the price of my usual Trio of "cannabis" nutes I can get a enough liquid seaweed to bathe in. If you are happy paying a premium in marketed cannabis nutes, then crack on, good luck to you. If you are after a good product that represents value for money, then do some research and look at the general horticulture market.


Well-Known Member
If you have a spot, getting into a little veg gardening is legal, rewarding, cheap seed wise, and all skills transfer and apply
This for sure. There are even some veggie plants that are way harder to grow than marijuana. When I see people post about having seed germinating or seedling stage issues, I suggest buying lettuce seeds or something similar to practice with.
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I'm not a "big fish" but I'll guarantee that commercial grows aren't using tomato fertilizer. I've know a guy that runs one out west. They run advanced.
My gear chain is gavita and fluence LEDs, cloud coir, #7 smart pots, House n Garden nutes.
I just started a grow journal, your welcome to follow it.
Feed your plant or feed your soil and decide which is better smoke

Billy the Mountain

Well-Known Member
When I started, info was hard to find, H. Resh "Hydroponic Food production" was my only legit resource. Read it thoroughly and first grow (DWC) was a success. If you can follow instructions, you can successfully grow.

As mentioned above, growing cannabis is largely the same as growing a tomato, if anything easier.


Well-Known Member
How about laying out your entire gear chain while you're touting "cannabis specific" nutes? Let the less experienced see how you're pulling down heavy weight.
Here bro



Well-Known Member
I’d say it took me 3-4 grows to get results that I expected out of my first grow. Now it seams pretty stright Foward. Keep ot simple.

As far as growing with your eyes closed.
Well I biult a auto water system for Drain to waste hydro. In 3gal 100% perlite hempy buckets.

mix my Rez and check the ph every few days. Rez would last 4 plants 10-14days.
Was great for going away for a bit. But got bored of it.

would see the odd defiancy but that’s gonna happen growing mixed strains with one batch of feed.

with all the same clones I bet it would be really consistent. If you like just mixing water and reading ph meters. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Here bro

Yea cuz someone gave me some auto seeds and i had never grown autos before.
Here is half of my real grow20211214_193440.jpg