Pandemic 2020

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An inch of snow shuts down the city. They have started using salt in recent years. But sparingly. Salt isn't good for the cars or the environment. But it works. What I don't like is the pea gravel they spread on some roads. When the snow melts the gravel is still there and gets kicked up by cars so you get all kinds of chips in your paint.
Oh yes. I remeber all that gravel, that was terrible. It was so frustrating to think that gravel could have been salt!
They both should be in play, but unlikely to be enforceable regardless. The Republican and other idiots who have been brainwashed are losing ground thankfully though.

The thing that sucks about the dicks not wearing masks is that it hurts the people who are wearing masks just as much.

How many people at that event besides her were not wearing masks? It looks from that one picture that it was likely not just her right?

If she is stuck in that room with those idiots that entire time, it really stops being effective to keep her safe, and if she is the public figure in that room taking pictures with people, I have no idea what the event was, but that too should come into play too.

Your governor is doing what she can to keep you all safe, I would think that would mean more than some picture of her somewhere without a mask on.

Nope, but the 'I am not voting because she wasn't wearing a mask' is the type of stupid shit that was pulled on Clinton that ended up shaving off enough voters to give us Trump. And it should be pushed back on every time, because it is directly the reason that we ended up with a the Capital Riot on Jan 6th.
It is a tad hypocritical but not a huge deal, it would have been nice of her to set an example of how important she believes mask are. I didn’t think OP said he wasn’t voting for her due to just the mask but more of her record, which I know nothing about.
An inch of snow shuts down the city. They have started using salt in recent years. But sparingly. Salt isn't good for the cars or the environment. But it works. What I don't like is the pea gravel they spread on some roads. When the snow melts the gravel is still there and gets kicked up by cars so you get all kinds of chips in your paint.

I grew up in NewJersey and we never used chains. I never heard of using them in the snow. It was not until I moved to Washington State that I got a pair . They are so annoying . I put them on a few times to get over Stevens Pass. Washington and Oregon were so annoying to drive in the snow. They don’t know how to shovel or salt . I think salting is like a forbidden environmental thing or something over there. Lol. I got to take a couple snow days off work in Eugene Oregon with like and inch of snow. Lol. It was hysterical .


Oregonians thrive in rain but the ones who live west of the Cascades go bananas when it snows. Most don't own a snow shovel either. A few years ago we had a hard freeze followed by snow and it just shut this state down.

Oregonians thrive in rain but the ones who live west of the Cascades go bananas when it snows. Most don't own a snow shovel either. A few years ago we had a hard freeze followed by snow and it just shut this state down.

What's a snow shovel?
Very professionally handled. I bet you got tipped nicely;-)
nope, the hospital didn't tip, they paid with a slip, you kept a book of them in your glove box and just had them sign, and counted it like cash at the end of the night...but i did make good tips driving, i'd get runs to the I beam, the gay bar in Moorhead all the time, a lot of the other drivers didn't like going, i didn't give a shit, they all knew me pretty quickly, and tipped good because i didn't have a problem giving them a ride

Oregonians thrive in rain but the ones who live west of the Cascades go bananas when it snows. Most don't own a snow shovel either. A few years ago we had a hard freeze followed by snow and it just shut this state down.
People need to learn how to drive in the winter without salt, which typically means slow FFS lol. Every well I’ve drilled near a road has salt :(. The shit destroys cars as well. Not many come here to find original classic cars and there’s a reason lol.
It’s the cause of many heart attacks right after a blizzard here :(.
the air is so dry in Mn. in Jan., Feb. that if you're outside shoveling and cough, you won't be able to stop, you'll need to go inside and get a drink. it's like being in a cold ass desert, just sucks all the moisture out of your mouth, eyes...but not your nose, that would be running like a tap :-?
They figure omicron will be 50% of Ont. cases in a week! Merry Christmas from covid!
21% of Ontario COVID-19 cases are omicron, says science advisory table

Dr. Peter Jüni, scientific director of the Ontario COVID-19 science advisory table, says the data in Ontario shows that the omicron variant of the coronavirus is roughly three times more transmissible as the delta variant.
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