Pandemic 2020

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Kids perception of what's going on bums me out. Just sad.

That said, hahaha, my county is run by stupid fucks that raged against masks and lifted the mask mandate for the schools. The kids just ignored that and wear masks and encourage each other via classic social coercion.

Roger A. Shrubber

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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Kids perception of what's going on bums me out. Just sad.

That said, hahaha, my county is run by stupid fucks that raged against masks and lifted the mask mandate for the schools. The kids just ignored that and wear masks and encourage each other via classic social coercion.
Yup I drove by the local high school and most of the kids were masked up. I would like to think they are doing it to help keep their family safe. It was a great sight, unlike the rich entitled shits at Queens where no one masks and most of their parents are able to work from home if needed :(.


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Omicron is doubling so fast that sheer numbers will likely outweigh any advantage of reduced severity (if it exists).
I figure if you are vaxxed you will have a better chance of a mild case than if you are unvaxxed and if you are boosted, you should be ok. Omicron is as contagious as chicken pox, among the most contagious of diseases, the unvaxxed should be fucked this time around, since it's 4 times more infectious than delta. It sure looks like there are gonna be overwhelmed hospitals in a few weeks and as the quality of care drops the mortality rate increases. We have a big omicron outbreak here in NS and it's spreading fast in Canada too, they expect it will be 50% of all cases in Ontario within a week, up from the current 21%.

We have a pretty high vaxx rate in Canada, much higher than the states and most developed countries, with the Trumpers in the states it might get pretty bad if omicron is as bad as delta, but even if it's not, it will still be bad. More contagious is far worse than more virulent as far as mortality numbers go. Last I heard 40% of republicans were unvaxxed and probably a lot of right leaning independents too, it's almost a certainty now that covid will get the unmasked and unvaccinated by spring. I believe there are around 70 million unvaxxed American adults, say 50 million are republicans or lean that way. Many of the 73 million moral failures who voted for Trump in 2020 will be punished with this wave!


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Majority of breakthrough COVID-19 hospitalizations involve seniors: analysis
Most fully vaccinated patients hospitalized and diagnosed COVID-19 between June and September were seniors, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation analysis released Wednesday.

Almost 70 percent of fully vaccinated patients admitted to hospitals with confirmed COVID-19 were aged 65 and older, making up a “disproportionately large share” of breakthrough hospitalizations.

Ten percent of breakthrough hospitalizations occurred among those younger than 50, and one-fifth occurred among those aged 50 to 64.

But unvaccinated COVID-19 hospital patients skewed younger, with 41 percent of cases involving patients younger than 50 and 30 percent involving those aged 50 to 64.

Seniors who experienced breakthrough cases also appeared to have shorter hospital stays on average. The median stay for fully vaccinated patients was 5.6 days, compared to 6.7 days for those who were unvaccinated.

A larger portion of fully vaccinated hospital patients had a comorbidity than unvaccinated COVID-19 patients. But less breakthrough patients had COVID-related respiratory complications or treatments, indicating they may have been admitted for “unrelated reasons.”

“If this is the case, it would mean that the gap in risk of COVID-19 hospitalization between vaccinated and unvaccinated people is even greater than previously known,” KFF noted.

Overall, 85 percent of all COVID-19 hospitalizations in the four-month period occurred among unvaccinated individuals, despite 44 percent of the U.S. population being unvaccinated by the end of September.

At the time, 83 percent of the elderly population were considered fully vaccinated, making up a quarter of fully vaccinated Americans – a figure that is much less than the 69 percent of fully vaccinated hospitalized patients.

The analysis, encompassing more than 120,000 hospitalizations with a COVID-19 diagnosis, defined fully vaccinated as those who received two mRNA doses or one Johnson & Johnson dose at least two weeks prior. Others, including partially vaccinated individuals, were categorized as unvaccinated.

The U.S. made boosters available to seniors and other vulnerable populations, out of concern that the vaccines' immunity was waning. These populations were prioritized for the initial vaccination because they're considered at high-risk of severe COVID-19.


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‘We’re heartbroken. We’re overwhelmed’ — U.S. hospitals grapple with delta outbreak as omicron takes root

  • Public health officials have warned for weeks that the U.S. would face another Covid wave due to the delta variant this winter.
  • The detection of omicron in at least 25 states has raised concern that the variant could lead to an additional infection wave if it proves even more contagious.
  • “In the weeks to come with omicron, what we’ve got here might be a perfect storm,” said Dr. Barbara Sattkamp Taylor, an expert on infectious disease at UT Health San Antonio,


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Uncle Doug wants you @CunningCanuk & @Budley Doright
FORD: “I’m issuing a call to arms”

To protect Ontario’s progress in the fight against COVID-19 and safeguard the province’s hospitals and intensive care units (ICUs) in the face of the rapidly-spreading Omicron variant, the Ontario government is rapidly accelerating its booster dose rollout by expanding eligibility to all individuals aged 18 and over, as well as shortening the interval to three months following an individual’s second dose. To provide an additional layer of protection against COVID-19 and variants during the holiday season, Ontario is also launching a holiday testing blitz starting today to offer rapid antigen screening to individuals free of charge at pop-up sites across the province, as well as select LCBO stores across Ontario.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Uncle Doug wants you @CunningCanuk & @Budley Doright
FORD: “I’m issuing a call to arms”

To protect Ontario’s progress in the fight against COVID-19 and safeguard the province’s hospitals and intensive care units (ICUs) in the face of the rapidly-spreading Omicron variant, the Ontario government is rapidly accelerating its booster dose rollout by expanding eligibility to all individuals aged 18 and over, as well as shortening the interval to three months following an individual’s second dose. To provide an additional layer of protection against COVID-19 and variants during the holiday season, Ontario is also launching a holiday testing blitz starting today to offer rapid antigen screening to individuals free of charge at pop-up sites across the province, as well as select LCBO stores across Ontario.
That’s great but my issue is there is no vaccine. I actually am able to get it on the 21st of Dec. but every place I called is waiting for supply :(.


Well-Known Member
My folks and in-laws are all in their late 70’s
If I was in my late 70's I'd do the same thing.
Wear a mask & get a shot & then go out & have a good time.
Life's too short for someone that age
They should go out and Party/Dance!!!
This song comes to my mind
I'll bet they would love it :)

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