Help! - stunted plant


Well-Known Member
Thrips and overwatered? Fuck you’re a funny guy. Get sone sleep man I see you’ve put in another 12 hour shift on the forums and discord.

OP your plant is fine don’t listen to a word this fools is typing.
Look at the plant and you'll see thrips.

Have a good day at work man. I'm about to go to bed and relax. And where are my damn fries?


Well-Known Member
Spinosad or predators.

You can see them on the left leaf. bk's just mad cause I asked for a liter of cola the other day.

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You’d think there would be thrip damage too eh?

You're telling this dude to spray un needed shit on his plants going off a blurry pic that shows a white spec?

When you’re up all night, do you keep peeking through your curtains thinking people are outside your house too?


Well-Known Member
You’d think there would be thrip damage too eh?

You're telling this dude to spray un needed shit on his plants going off a blurry pic that shows a white spec?

When you’re up all night, do you keep peeking through your curtains thinking people are outside your house too?
Aboot .454 kilograms eh?


Well-Known Member
You’d think there would be thrip damage too eh?

You're telling this dude to spray un needed shit on his plants going off a blurry pic that shows a white spec?

When you’re up all night, do you keep peeking through your curtains thinking people are outside your house too?
Plant is not even 2 weeks old takes a week for the eggs to hatch they ain't had time to cause any damage eh


Well-Known Member
rh is too low which causes deformities and sometimes stunted apex in plant seedlings including cannabis. seeds i started in mid november from four different sources almost all had partially formed leaves and some almost topped themselves. all are fine now except for the one that was legitimately deformed by birth

in that case the one side of the plant almost didn't grow at all was so tiny and deformed, and also on that side the leaf tissue was super shiny like a different species of plant. it seemed to almost stop growing eventually, although it was the first one to smell of skunk. planted another one though

they will be fine once into veg phase but will grow very slow in such low rh