FoxFarm Nutrients


Active Member
Hey Growers
I just purchased Fox Farm nutrients GrowFert Big Bloom& Bloom Fert &CALmg to go along with my FF coco. I had been using general hydroponics. Had decent success with it but looking for better so i went with FF. Mainly the flavor,hoping this brand gives a little bit better flavor to my buds.
The bottle gives measurements that are just absolutely ridiculous-Like all brands basically,GH did the same. I was able to find better conversion charts with my past brand&this new one i read up all different types of measurements,
What i did, I looked at the bottle. The Big Bloom says 60 ml per gallon and the bloom fert says 10-15 ml per gal/4L and
the measurements are at a 4 to 1 ratio 60 ml for 1 and 15 ml for the other. So knowing that the mls listed is way too much i just switched it to 2 ml bloom fert and 8ml BigBloom.
FF users,what schedule&measurements do you use, do you up the mls at mid bloom,lower on late bloom or do you keep the same measurements all throughout?


Well-Known Member
I just switched away from fox nutrients. Tried half then quarter. Always problems with it. Make sure you shake them bottles up good before using. Went with maxi bloom but maybe you will have better success with it in coco. Trash for soil imo


Well-Known Member
In case you're not aware, FF Coco Loco is more akin to soil. Treat it as such.
I've never used their nutes.


Well-Known Member
This is interesting, I have been using Fox Farms nutes for the past two years, thinking about switching to Dynagrow. I've had some decent results with FF but I always seem to have issues starting with the 3rd or 4th week of flower, especially with what looks to me like phosphorus deficiency. However, when I up the nutrients to a higher dosage I get nute burn and it doesn't seem to fix the deficiency.

For the OP, the feeding schedule I use for the first 5 weeks of flower is: 3/4 tsp. Grow Big, 3/4 tsp. Tiger Bloom, 1.5 tsp. Big Bloom, 1 tsp. Cal-Mag, 1 tsp. Sweet and Sticky (sugar). In week 6-8, I use 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 1 tsp. Tiger Bloom, then in week 9+ I just use 1/2 - 1 tsp. Tiger Bloom, depending on how long they grow. The last week I use plain water. My Ph is always 6.4-6.6 and my ppm is usually 900 until week 8.

I have tried cutting the Grow Big in week 5 as suggested in the FF soil feeding schedule, but when I do I start getting nitrogen deficiencies immediately, so I've stopped cutting the Grow Big until week 8. In the FF hydro feeding schedule, they keep the Grow Big until the very end, never cutting it out, so why cut it in soil? I grow in final size 3 gallon pots, by week 6 there is nothing left in the soil except what I feed, so it makes sense to me to keep giving some nitrogen. The plants cannot use phosphorus or potassium without sufficient nitrogen.

I have also used the FF boosters, not sure if I have seen a big difference or not. I'm always afraid of burning the plants, so I've never given the booster more than 1/2 the recommended dosage. This next grow I am going to do a side by side and use different nutrient formulas to see what happens, probably burn at least one on purpose just to see what it takes. Sometimes, the only way to know for sure is trial and error.


Well-Known Member
Hey Growers
I just purchased Fox Farm nutrients GrowFert Big Bloom& Bloom Fert &CALmg to go along with my FF coco. I had been using general hydroponics. Had decent success with it but looking for better so i went with FF. Mainly the flavor,hoping this brand gives a little bit better flavor to my buds.
The fertiliser used should make no difference to the flavour of your weed. That is down to genetics, drying and curing,


Active Member
I figured it wouldnt make a difference, i just read from some people that used the general hydroponics brand the taste was off. I fuck up the drying and cure every time&its really pissing me off lol. Im getting good bud but it never taste like it does when i buy it newhere. I had thought i followed all the directions properly but the bud still ended up with a harsh&earthy taste&smell. When you break the bud up the smell comes out more butas a bud it just smells earthy idk. If i could just get what im looking for i will be in a really good spot.
I always Hang the branches until the sticks break&then put it in jars. I was using plastic bc i didnt have any glass&i had no money &while its air tight,air somehow still gets through.
What measurements have you usedd Rico? or did u never use FF.
I have my two plants that are in Flower but im noticing nutrient burn on some of the leaves,but none of the freshest leaves,down the plant some that im pretty sure was from b4 using FF. I dont know how it happened,i give nutes every other day&low dosing


Active Member
These two plants im working with now are with new seeds&new strain so maybe it was the seeds! Hoping everything works out&everything turns out better.


Active Member
half strength
its made for house plants
not cannabis designated
I knew from the start that those numbers were off. Im still getting burnt tips and the one plants leaves are too bright green&yellowing along veins of leaf.
Half still seems really high. I started with 1/4th
Then i found a chart
This is interesting, I have been using Fox Farms nutes for the past two years, thinking about switching to Dynagrow. I've had some decent results with FF but I always seem to have issues starting with the 3rd or 4th week of flower, especially with what looks to me like phosphorus deficiency. However, when I up the nutrients to a higher dosage I get nute burn and it doesn't seem to fix the deficiency.

For the OP, the feeding schedule I use for the first 5 weeks of flower is: 3/4 tsp. Grow Big, 3/4 tsp. Tiger Bloom, 1.5 tsp. Big Bloom, 1 tsp. Cal-Mag, 1 tsp. Sweet and Sticky (sugar). In week 6-8, I use 1/2 tsp Grow Big, 1 tsp. Tiger Bloom, then in week 9+ I just use 1/2 - 1 tsp. Tiger Bloom, depending on how long they grow. The last week I use plain water. My Ph is always 6.4-6.6 and my ppm is usually 900 until week 8.

I have tried cutting the Grow Big in week 5 as suggested in the FF soil feeding schedule, but when I do I start getting nitrogen deficiencies immediately, so I've stopped cutting the Grow Big until week 8. In the FF hydro feeding schedule, they keep the Grow Big until the very end, never cutting it out, so why cut it in soil? I grow in final size 3 gallon pots, by week 6 there is nothing left in the soil except what I feed, so it makes sense to me to keep giving some nitrogen. The plants cannot use phosphorus or potassium without sufficient nitrogen.

I have also used the FF boosters, not sure if I have seen a big difference or not. I'm always afraid of burning the plants, so I've never given the booster more than 1/2 the recommended dosage. This next grow I am going to do a side by side and use different nutrient formulas to see what happens, probably burn at least one on purpose just to see what it takes. Sometimes, the only way to know for sure is trial and error.
Thanks,This is exactly what i am looking for.
See the chart i had said to not use the grow big for the first two weeks&thats what i did. My one plant looks fine, the other has leaves that are lighter green&yellowing along the veins and the outside. My PH is always 6.5-6.7, my PPM was 800 yesterday. I am a new grower so i have to resort to charts to get an idea of what the deficiency is. Seems like u had the same problem. I wasnt using grow big which i thought was unusual bc i used general hydroponics grow,bloom&micro all at once. I assumed this brand was different and the appropriate nutrients were in one bottle. Now im thinking this yellowing/light green leaves is a nitrogen deficiency. Im almost positive it is not a ph problem.. I am starting Week 3 Flowering today&like i said today was the first day i used Grow Big. I should have just stuck with the general hyrdroponics,that was so much more simple. I ran out and decided to switch brands 3 weeks ago and now i have these problems! I grow in the same 3 gallon pots,fabric pots, my big plant is all roots, and hard as a rock-i water 2-3 times a day bc of it. I didnt want to transplant so late in the process&misjudged timing so now the plant is really big. I gave my plants water the last 2 days and today i just fed the plants
3.7 ml grow 3.7 ml tiger bloom 5.55 Big Bloom 3 ml CalMG mixed in 1 1/2 gallon bucket
Grow Big 2.46 ml -Tiger Bloom 2.46 ml Big Bloom 3.7ml& CalMG 2ml is the mixing for 1 gallon. I am hoping i see a change but im not really sure how much change i will be able to notice,not really sure how the leaves will recover after this,or if they will recover at all. The leaves should get greener but if its burnt its burnt.
I contemplated using a nutrient flush but i held off on that,although i have florakleen on hand.


Well-Known Member
I knew from the start that those numbers were off. Im still getting burnt tips and the one plants leaves are too bright green&yellowing along veins of leaf.
Half still seems really high. I started with 1/4th
Then i found a chart

Thanks,This is exactly what i am looking for.
See the chart i had said to not use the grow big for the first two weeks&thats what i did. My one plant looks fine, the other has leaves that are lighter green&yellowing along the veins and the outside. My PH is always 6.5-6.7, my PPM was 800 yesterday. I am a new grower so i have to resort to charts to get an idea of what the deficiency is. Seems like u had the same problem. I wasnt using grow big which i thought was unusual bc i used general hydroponics grow,bloom&micro all at once. I assumed this brand was different and the appropriate nutrients were in one bottle. Now im thinking this yellowing/light green leaves is a nitrogen deficiency. Im almost positive it is not a ph problem.. I am starting Week 3 Flowering today&like i said today was the first day i used Grow Big. I should have just stuck with the general hyrdroponics,that was so much more simple. I ran out and decided to switch brands 3 weeks ago and now i have these problems! I grow in the same 3 gallon pots,fabric pots, my big plant is all roots, and hard as a rock-i water 2-3 times a day bc of it. I didnt want to transplant so late in the process&misjudged timing so now the plant is really big. I gave my plants water the last 2 days and today i just fed the plants
3.7 ml grow 3.7 ml tiger bloom 5.55 Big Bloom 3 ml CalMG mixed in 1 1/2 gallon bucket
Grow Big 2.46 ml -Tiger Bloom 2.46 ml Big Bloom 3.7ml& CalMG 2ml is the mixing for 1 gallon. I am hoping i see a change but im not really sure how much change i will be able to notice,not really sure how the leaves will recover after this,or if they will recover at all. The leaves should get greener but if its burnt its burnt.
I contemplated using a nutrient flush but i held off on that,although i have florakleen on hand.
For what it's worth, I think you found your problem - lack of grow big in the first two weeks. It's not a disaster, but I would give equal amounts of grow big and tiger bloom until week 6, then cut the grow big but keep feeding the tiger bloom until week 8, 9 or 10 depending on how long to finish.

For example, in week 6 & 7, I feed 1/2 tsp. grow big, 1 tsp. tiger bloom per gallon, then just 1 tsp. tiger bloom from week 8 on. Feed the big bloom each time.

Now, I grow in soil, IDK if coco changes the formula. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Avoid Fox Farms Products and you'll be a much happier grower and not have a patch of missing hair on your head from scratching it so much wondering wtf is going on.

P.S Coco Loco by FoxFarms is not coco coir it's soil blended with coco and other crap. I would just use actual COCO either pure coco or coco/perlite blends. COCO LOCO is like a bog it has wayyyy too much water retention and wayyyy too slow of a dryback time.
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Active Member
Pretty much had the exact chart, I am in Week 3 and my plant looks how you described your plant. Hopefully after today things get better after adding in the grow big.
For what it's worth, I think you found your problem - lack of grow big in the first two weeks. It's not a disaster, but I would give equal amounts of grow big and tiger bloom until week 6, then cut the grow big but keep feeding the tiger bloom until week 8, 9 or 10 depending on how long to finish.

For example, in week 6 & 7, I feed 1/2 tsp. grow big, 1 tsp. tiger bloom per gallon, then just 1 tsp. tiger bloom from week 8 on. Feed the big bloom each time.

Now, I grow in soil, IDK if coco changes the formula. Good luck!
I grow in foxfarm coco but it has nutrients in it for the first month and seemed to be working good for past grows just now i switched to foxfarm and ran into problems. hopefully i have it fixed.
. I am saving to grow hyrdo but not sure if its worth the money.
I really appreciate your help here,I wish i found out sooner, but better late than never. The plant was just entering flowering so i should still be good in rebound.


Active Member
Avoid Fox Farms Products and you'll be a much happier grower and not have a patch of missing hair on your head from scratching it so much wondering wtf is going on.

P.S Coco Loco by FoxFarms is not coco coir it's soil blended with coco and other crap. I would just use actual COCO either pure coco or coco/perlite blends. COCO LOCO is like a bog it has wayyyy too much water retention and wayyyy too slow of a dryback time.
Thanks, i will switch in my next grow.


Well-Known Member
I just switched to GH Flora Nova Veg and Bloom, just using Bloom on two in flower now, too early to tell if there is a difference. I'll update later.


Active Member
For what it's worth, I think you found your problem - lack of grow big in the first two weeks. It's not a disaster, but I would give equal amounts of grow big and tiger bloom until week 6, then cut the grow big but keep feeding the tiger bloom until week 8, 9 or 10 depending on how long to finish.

For example, in week 6 & 7, I feed 1/2 tsp. grow big, 1 tsp. tiger bloom per gallon, then just 1 tsp. tiger bloom from week 8 on. Feed the big bloom each time.

Now, I grow in soil, IDK if coco changes the formula. Good luck!
Thanks again, That was indeed the problem. I can see the leaves already getting a darker green today when i watered and inspected the plants.