

New Member
oh, man no letter from the big cheese.

just an electric bill
netflixs - the flowering of human consciousness: eckhart tolle disc 1.

vi did you really get a letter like that?
Yeah ... it said: "Don't worry ... Be happy! The President Elect is going to get there from here." bongsmilie



New Member
You guys are taking Obama's words out of context !!

When Obama said he was going to bring "CHANGE", he merely meant that your taxes will go way up, BUT..... he will send you back some "change".

That's all.... He'll keep his word, I promise!!! :mrgreen:

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
just checked my box and no letter from the big cheese...

someone send me a hopeful letter. maybe some change... i don't know like a buck 50 or something.


New Member
I was kind of hoping that by the time an African American got into the White House, that big afros would be in style again. That would be awesome don't you think?

out. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
a saw a penny on the ground the other day but my hands were full so i couldn't pick it up.

i HOPE i didn't turn down my CHANGE.


New Member
I've done it many times Vi and you know it, you just won't admit it.
Hahaha! Nope, Dankster. What's happened is that you've THOUGHT you've done it, but you were snookered every time. 25 pages of cut & paste does not a genius make. :lol:


Da Kine 420

Well-Known Member
this thread is too funny. you guys and gals crack me up.

For a change, why doesn't He give me some of that 500-700 Billion?

Or why not just let me keep it and not take it from me in the first place?

I do like what he has been saying so far though. Let's just see if it isn't lip service.


Well-Known Member
Hahaha! Nope, Dankster. What's happened is that you've THOUGHT you've done it, but you were snookered every time. 25 pages of cut & paste does not a genius make. :lol:

Like the bullshit from Walter E. Williams and Ann Coulter you keep posting.... Neither of them are brain trusts. Both Hacks at best.


New Member
Like the bullshit from Walter E. Williams and Ann Coulter you keep posting.... Neither of them are brain trusts. Both Hacks at best.
See, this is typical of your ludicrous posts. Coulter and Williams speak the truth. The problem is, Dankster ... your idealogy has made you stone-blind to truth. Keep drinking the Kool-Aid propaganda being spoon-fed to you by MSNBC and the NY Crimes so we can continue to laugh at your ridiculous postings. bongsmilie
