Softened water in a humidifier?


Well-Known Member
I am fairly new to having a water softener, and I was pondering if it would be okay to use this water in a humidifier. Does the salt stay behind in the unit, or does it evaporate with the water and get in the air?
the salt and any other minerals get left behind and ruin the unit. You need to use distilled or good RO water in a humidifier.

Oh I don't care if I ruin it, I would guess it would still last awhile. I was just concerned about the water in the air being okay. I can always buy another unit, it isn't all that expensive. Besides, I can clean it periodically, probably have to take it all apart though. I already use distilled for watering, that would really suck to also use a gallon per day running the humidifier.
I believe the way a humidifier works anything you don't want in the air will be left in the water, probably good to change any water left and rinse daily, but i would use your softened water. I would try it and watch everything, if any new problems arise shut it off first, then if the humidifier was not the problem try again. I would like to know your results as i am sure i am going to need a humidifier in my new veg room. Also you can get a Reverse Osmosis system for only like $100 and not have to haul water anymore. just a thought good luck!
I believe the way a humidifier works anything you don't want in the air will be left in the water, probably good to change any water left and rinse daily, but i would use your softened water. I would try it and watch everything, if any new problems arise shut it off first, then if the humidifier was not the problem try again. I would like to know your results as i am sure i am going to need a humidifier in my new veg room. Also you can get a Reverse Osmosis system for only like $100 and not have to haul water anymore. just a thought good luck!

I will try and remember to let you know after a few weeks how it's working out.
Look at this
This fan tan for 6 days in a tent with a humidifier that feeds from softened water.

See the fan blades...pure salt. Only 6 days!!!


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Look at this
This fan tan for 6 days in a tent with a humidifier that feeds from softened water.

See the fan blades...pure salt. Only 6 days!!!
Amazing explain how every humidifier installed by a licensed contractor operates on soft water ?
Apparently they don’t have your expertise
Edit my bet that is calcium
Want proof … taste it
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Amazing explain how every humidifier installed by a licensed contractor operates on soft water ?
Apparently they don’t have you expertise
Edit my bet that is calcium
Want proof … taste it
How could it be calcium?
That would be removed via the ion exchange process with the salt.

All I'm saying is I chose to install my humidifier water feed after my softener and before my RO and it's toxic.
this is a 2021 resurrected thread from 2010.
physics hasn't changed though. Bypass or wicking humidifiers can use clean water
Steam humidifiers need salts in the water to use electrolysis to create steam from electricity to work right. The byrpoduct is metal

either way, any humidifier and dehumidifer, require constant service. keep up with it and humidifers will help you with watering frequency on your plants but if it is depositing calcium on your leaves it can be an issue
Not sure if the humidifiers being discussed have filters. Here the filter has to be changed every couple of months because of the calcium and Lime buildup.
Not sure if the humidifiers being discussed have filters. Here the filter has to be changed every couple of months because of the calcium and Lime buildup.
to lighten up the subject before to much discussion, lets see everyones bypass/wicking filters for their bypass systems