Wake n Bake, Nothing Better!

Stayed above freezing all night, first time in a week that I haven't had ice or snow dusting.
Looks like the ice boats might have to wait a couple more weeks, but it should melt the icy snow crud off the lakes, glaze it in the next weeks.

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It's 39 now and 70% chance of rain. Hopefully it warms up and we don't get snow. I have to go to the commissary today.
Good morning. Winter is back in full glory here....I'm so glad I got out for a walk yesterday.

I should hit the grocery store today too....and maybe grab some ice for bubble hash.

So many cool new dab toys out there...I was researching them last night til way too late. I kind of miss the old days when all I needed was a pack of rolling papers and a lighter.
Good morning. Winter is back in full glory here....I'm so glad I got out for a walk yesterday.

I should hit the grocery store today too....and maybe grab some ice for bubble hash.

So many cool new dab toys out there...I was researching them last night til way too late. I kind of miss the old days when all I needed was a pack of rolling papers and a lighter.

i hear that... broke the stem on my arizer solo and was like 90s movies "nooooooo!" because i didnt have a backup so i ended up ordering 3 different sizes from the arizer site (arriving in 1 -2 weeks) plus the adapter for a tube, but then cracked and ordered a few cheap ones from amazon (3 days from ordering). all in all i think i spent 60+ bucks to replace one piece of glass (50 cents actual value?) but with 6+ extra stems this should be the last time i run into this situation
Morning all....how everyone doing this fine day......

well woke up to a mild 66F this morning with heavy fog, yeah things are gonna change soon i can feel it, high today almost 80F and sunny......now if i can get this cedar pollen to leave me alone, i'd be peachy.........i have a love hate relationship with cedar right now

just made a fresh pot....so warm ups coming.....

now to have some breakfast.....