Random Dank Seeds 400 W HPS


Well-Known Member
Day 31 of flowering. Enjoy. Oh by the way, person in the one pic is wildfire at work. Oh and I went a little picture crazy.



Well-Known Member
What is giving your plant the purplish hue?
Well a the few you mean, it was just the iris setting on my camera. I was changing settings as i was taking pictures to adjust for different light. but they really are purple in parts on the bud.


Well-Known Member
I cant wait to see her done and laid out bare on a table. I hope you have a macro lens for that camera. :)


Well-Known Member
I picked mine up from radio shack. 12 bucks. 60x-100x magnification.
done and done that thing is the shit, by the way smoked that one bud that got snapped off and i gotta say its a nice head high right now and its not to much of a dazed and confused head high