Well-Known Member
Wake boarding is sweet too, especially with the right boat and rigging. My first time was with some other guys and a bass boat. Not to be cocky, but I knew it was gonna be easy to get up. Even with my friend that didn't know WTF he was doing with the boat, lol.Ha ha. Catching that front edge sucks. Not a big snowboarder myself. I can ride but my love is for wakeboarding. I love gliding across the water and flying through the air crossing the wake. I've caught an edge too many times. It might be water but when you're going 25 mph and come to a stop with your face making instant contact with the water it hurts like hell. I like the water more than the snow.
I had to signal him to give the bitch more gas, but up the first time, no problem. Then almost immediately I started trying 180's. Underestimating the force of water and not leaning back enough.
Eat shit, and that fucking water ain't soft on nutsacks. I kept trying though. My thoughts were, next time I'm gonna wear a cup, lol.
Nobody else could get up. One guy decided to keep hanging on as he let the boat drag him along, lol. That dude was puking and shit after. It was funny ass shit.