Examples of GOP Leadership

dang! you beat me!:cuss:

her star is no longer rising.
dang! you beat me!:cuss:

her star is no longer rising.

It's actually sad to see someone only 46 years old dying from covid. But she's been at rallies ranting against vaccines and common sense Covid measures since the beginning. Even as those that are anti-vaccine and anti-mask watch their anti-covid measure heroes die from Covid they still refuse to take it seriously.
Rand Paul announces exit from YouTube
en. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) said he will stop posting videos on YouTube because of actions the platform has taken over content it said violated its policies.

Paul said his decision to stop posting on YouTube is part of his “exodus from Big Tech,” and accused the platform of censoring his content.

Paul received two strikes from YouTube, in August and September, over videos the platform said violated its C
OVID-19 misinformation policy. His account was suspended for seven days for each strike. If a user receives three strikes within 90 days, the account will be terminated, according to YouTube’s policy.

The senator’s announcement comes amid more widespread Republican accusations that technology giants are censoring their content. However, there has been no evidence published suggesting systemic anti-conservative bias among major tech companies.

Paul encouraged others who do not agree with mainstream platforms’ policies to opt out of using those websites in an op-ed published in the Washington Examiner on Monday.

“About half of the public leans right. If we all took our messaging to outlets of free exchange, we could cripple Big Tech in a heartbeat. So, today I take my first step toward denying my content to Big Tech. Hopefully, other liberty lovers will follow,” he wrote.

Paul said he will only be posting on YouTube to criticize the platform, and will instead largely post content on the video sharing site Rumble, which has become popular among Republicans who have fled mainstream social platforms.

Half a cow? A hind quarter?

post the truth and you'll have no issues..it's not hard to understand their TOS.
It's actually sad to see someone only 46 years old dying from covid. But she's been at rallies ranting against vaccines and common sense Covid measures since the beginning. Even as those that are anti-vaccine and anti-mask watch their anti-covid measure heroes die from Covid they still refuse to take it seriously.

it's like Russian Roulette; everyone is different and these variants affect people differently.
It's actually sad to see someone only 46 years old dying from covid. But she's been at rallies ranting against vaccines and common sense Covid measures since the beginning. Even as those that are anti-vaccine and anti-mask watch their anti-covid measure heroes die from Covid they still refuse to take it seriously.
Insert Lemming Meme here
'It Could Happen Here' Looks At Extremist Voices And How To Stop Them

Jonathan Greenblatt of the ADL has released the new book 'It Could Happen Here,' and he joins Morning Joe to discuss how hate and hate-related violence is intensifying in the U.S. and what to do about it.

Huh...somebody gonna sue somebody

It's actually sad to see someone only 46 years old dying from covid. But she's been at rallies ranting against vaccines and common sense Covid measures since the beginning. Even as those that are anti-vaccine and anti-mask watch their anti-covid measure heroes die from Covid they still refuse to take it seriously.
She was dumb for sure. At least she was smart enough to not have kids.
GOP officials in key Arizona county rebut partisan audit
“After an in-depth analysis and review of the reports and presentations issued by the Senate’s contractors, we determined that nearly every finding included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding of federal and state election laws,” the report reads.

The audit also made a number of recommendations for changes to Arizona’s election law.

Now, however, the elections department is saying that the findings in the Senate-commissioned audit were misleading or not true.

Specifically, the report says 22 claims were misleading, 42 were inaccurate and 13 were false.

The 93-page report also criticized Cyber Ninjas, writing that its report “inaccurately challenges the legitimacy of thousands of voters who participated in the November 2020 General Election and/or the validity of ballots counted and included in the official results.”

“Our analysis found that Cyber Ninjas made faulty and inaccurate conclusions about more than 53,000 ballots in 22 different categories,” the report says.

The elections department also affirmed that the 2020 presidential vote was not marred by fraud, writing that “The November 2020 General Election was administered with integrity and the results were accurate and reliable.”

“This has been proven through statutorily required accuracy tests, court cases, hand counts performed by the political parties, and post-election audits. The Elections Department followed all federal and state election laws,” the report added.

Correcting the Record: Maricopa County Releases Detailed Report on Senate Inquiry
Correcting the Record concluded that nearly every finding by the Senate’s contractors included faulty analysis, inaccurate claims, misleading conclusions, and a lack of understanding of federal and state election laws. After an in-depth analysis and review of the reports and presentations by Cyber Ninjas, CyFIR, EchoMail, and the Senate’s Audit Liaisons, the Elections Department found:

  • 22 were misleading. The claims lead the reader to assume a conclusion that is not supported by the evidence.
  • 41 were inaccurate. The claims include flawed or misstated analysis.
  • 13 were false. The claims are demonstrably false and can be proven false using materials provided to the Senate.
"No election is perfect, but what our report confirms is the November 2020 General Election in Maricopa County is about as close as you can get," said Vice Chairman Clint Hickman, District 4. "A record number of eligible voters participated, their votes were counted as they were cast using proven processes, and both Republicans and Democrats won local and statewide races. If one of your preferred candidates or causes lost in 2020, that's not proof of fraud; that's proof of democracy working."

The Senate’s review included a series of inaccurate reports and presentations delivered by its contractors on September 24, 2021, which called into question the integrity of Maricopa County employees and the validity of legitimate votes cast by eligible voters. This continuous release of inaccurate information required the County to develop a website to combat misinformation: JustTheFacts.Vote.

“This report reflects the countless hours our election professionals spent correcting the record once again and I am grateful for their efforts and professionalism,” said Supervisor Tom Galvin, District 2. “The report undoubtedly shows that County staff counted the votes accurately and impartially in a free and fair 2020 General Election and should give voters added confidence that future elections will be conducted with the same professionalism, accuracy and impartiality.”

"The Senate's election review was a gigantic waste of time and money all in service of the Big Lie," said Supervisor Steve Gallardo, District 5. "We ran free, fair, secure elections in 2020. This report proves it. Again. End of story."
He’s a bigger piece of shit than I thought. And I thought he was an enormous piece of shit before.
I think he was vaxxed, I believe he just preached antivaxx and if he was, he should have been boosted too. Two weeks down for the count and trouble breathing would be bad news if he were vaxxed and par for the course if he wasn't.
I think he was vaxxed, I believe he just preached antivaxx and if he was, he should have been boosted too. Two weeks down for the count and trouble breathing would be bad news if he were vaxxed and par for the course if he wasn't.

it was a single dose J&J in April; nothing on record for booster State Secret..considering how he sounds No Booster For You!

Bet you he wished he'd got it.

found it!

Nope. He may end up a long hauler..guess the 'normal' shot kept him alive at least.
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