I have been consuming cannabis multiple times a day since 1975-76.
That is every day (unless I was out of the country or sick)
Until the last few years I never really knew what I was smoking. Sometimes the supplier would tell me some whacky name for it but who the hell knew what it was.
I smoked in the car every morning on the way to work for 40 years.
Every Morning
Indica, Sativa, Hybrid ??? I will never know or care.
I never had to lay down at work because I had couch lock.
The good stuff we called the Stinky Sticky Icky or a variation of.
If it stuck to my fingers like glue and clogged up my scissors or grinder with rosin, it was the shit.
If you had the bag in your pocket and someone complained because the room stunk like skunk, it was the shit.
I could care less what anyone called it.
The last few years I have been buying from dispensaries that have all kinds of fancy names and descriptions of the strain and its lineage.
I don’t know what’s going on but the dispensary shit keeps getting worse.
Looks good, kind of smells good but it ain’t no Stinky Sticky Icky
I suppose if you paid top dollar you can get the good stuff.
I am now growing my own and I don’t care what they call it.