The Dirty cigs


Well-Known Member
This stuff is affecting my like Crack.. I cant stop im smoking like every 10 min.. I can really start to see it in my face,, dark eyes, sunken face and im onlly 22 tobacco is a bad thing to start folks im glad i didnt do anything thing other then weed, addiction runs in my family.


Well-Known Member
ciggaretts are more addictive than crack.
addiction runs in everyones families. it's how our body works. condition response. that is basically a habit forming system. pleasure - reward.
i'm not gonna get into that.. but if you did some search on habits/addictions/pleasure reward system. everything we do is habit forming. from eating and breathing to posting on this forum. it's all about "disiprin" and controlling our actions.

i quit cold turkey (no help) ciggarettes 3 times in my life for 2 years at a time. i started back up cause of girls i dated that smoked (if she smokes she pokes right? :P) LOL ok.. well i need to quit again too.. they are bad. that is one thing i will tell people not to do, it's a waste of money. it does settle nerves.. but it's just not worth it, smoke weed instead. it does a WAY better job :P


im with you bro... needin to quit myself... just tried the cold; worked while i had weed though... so maybe if i can get plenty of weed.......


Well-Known Member
im with you bro... needin to quit myself... just tried the cold; worked while i had weed though... so maybe if i can get plenty of weed.......
i quit smoking cause of money before
i quit smoking by using weed, one-hitter and swag weed. 25$ quarter shit, so i didn't get TOO high, but could hit something when i wanted to 'smoke'. it worked i guess..
one time i quit by sleeping all weekend from friday till monday
and another i just quit because i didn't want to smoke anymore.

now i smoke.. i need to quit again sometime soon :P

when i did get a craving i would just tell myself "you don't smoke that shit"
or if anyone offered me one i would tell em "i don't smoke that shit"
like people would say about weed. :P .. it helps though..


Well-Known Member
yeah i feel you man i went to rehab like 4-5 years ago to get off ice and while i was there i started smoking like 2-3 packs per day and after that i hrut my back and got strung out / am strung out on pain meds which make you wanna smoke even more so now i smoke 2-3 packs a day for like the last 4-5 years and it sucks im like you every 10-20 mins i just light one up somnetimes i smoke 3 ni a row its fucking awful i have a super addictive personality anyway and yeah it sucks i cant breath always having chest sucks


Well-Known Member
Remember the old adage, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again." I think if you find what your trigger is it might help. My trigger was coffee, so I quit coffee for a year and quit the cigs too. I will admit I smoke weed every fecking day, so it actually helps in that sense. 7 years no cigs. There was also a time I quit for 6 years but went back for a couple of years, why?, fecking coffee. But now I can drink the coffee, I just have to have a bone right after that. hehe


Well-Known Member
well it really went up when i quit speed anbd then slowed down but after getting hooked on opiates they just make me smoke non stop they dont even taste good but something about smoking and opiates they just go toogether i been trying to quit opiates for about a year now off and on only made it about 3 -4 weeks tops though if i could stop those i would at least smoke less ive noticed i smoke at least 1 pack more on days i have opiates than days i dont but when i get opiates i always have to split them with my significant other and they smoke kmroe on them too so that accounts for some she only smokes like 3 a day most if not on opiates