Can't be much lipids in mine, because I've done a base extraction on it and there was very little weight loss, I got white crystalline THCA after acidifying with citric acid. The only thing left after the base extraction was a very small amount of reddish oil, presumably mostly THC because it did get me high. I think most lipids may be left dissolved in the dilute alcohol when I let the resin settle out after adding water to the alcohol. It's still probably about 20% alcohol. Lipids are probably more soluble in dilute alcohol than THCA and just get washed out along with the water solubles. The net effect of the alcohol/water dropout process appears to be high purity THCA, probably greater than 90%. No alcohol residue, no water solubles and apparently little to no lipids either. I originally started doing it that way just to avoid alcohol vapor from evaporating a lot of alcohol indoors, but it turned to have a very good purifying effect.