Why do Republicans suck?

THAT was revealing…not *news*, but people need to be reminded: it’s not his *faith* he’s defending there, he’s defending the things HE has faith in. He demands the child accept his pronouncements about the things he has faith in WITHOUT QUESTION.

It’s the ‘one true religion’ myth (a character flaw common to monotheisms): I can say anything I like about your bogus heathen ‘religion’ - but you can’t say ANYTHING about mine, nor question anything *I* say about it BECAUSE IT’S REAL. YOUR FAITH MEANS NOTHING SO YOU MEAN NOTHING. You must respect me. I have no obligation or desire to respect you.

sort of like the dividing line between “real” citizens and “fake” citizens….
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I made a visit to Reddit yesterday and checked out what the conservatives were saying. I almost puked. So many of them are posting adoring missives about MLK and nearly all of them are quoting his "content of their character not the color of their skin" quote and twisting it to be against any sort of recognition of racism. For once I wished that the moderators weren't so diligent about removing offensive posts. There are hundreds of deletions that would have given more insight into how they really feel.
Can anyone answer that question?
Why are Republicans so fucked up?
Really, what the fuck is up with them?
Is it lack of education?
Just plain stupidity, caused by generations of inbreeding?
Hate of everything they're not?
I mean they love/adulate Trump, and he's the best the GOP has to offer it seems, that delusional fucking idiot.
That means over 1/3 of the citizens of the USA are mentally deranged/handicapped, at least in my opinion.
They like Trump and what he stands for.
Just think of that for a moment & try not to puke.
Also, what kind of monster/cunt would cut aid to it's constituents during a fucking Pandemic & at the same time basically say, ah, you don't have to wear a mask or get vaccinated, that's up to your dumb ass, fuck concern for your family, friends & neighbors?
A fucking Republican, that's who.
So, what do you think it is?
What caused this plethora of mutants to emerge?
Bad water?
Too many X Rays?
Abuse as a child"
Abuse as an adult?
Who amongst you know why, please tell me, I'm trying to figure it out & can't.

Politics is tribalism. They are part of the red tribe. The red tribe has been heavily influenced by angry right wing radio hosts such as Rush Limbaugh. They have been bred over the past two generations to be perpetually angry and to automatically oppose anything Democrats stand for.

When tribal instinct gets mixed with low intelligence, then some very useful idiots are permanently on the red team.
I made a visit to Reddit yesterday and checked out what the conservatives were saying. I almost puked. So many of them are posting adoring missives about MLK and nearly all of them are quoting his "content of their character not the color of their skin" quote and twisting it to be against any sort of recognition of racism. For once I wished that the moderators weren't so diligent about removing offensive posts. There are hundreds of deletions that would have given more insight into how they really feel.
Do you think they just forget about the first part of their cherry picked portion of that quote? "Content of their character" is the problem with these right wing cultists.

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Me? Should I apologize? The point *I* was trying to make is that ’republicans’ haven’t done NEARLY the good that they imagine they have - just as they’ve done FAR MORE DAMAGE than they imagine…EVEN IF we pretend ‘republicans built the interstates’.

Since I’m having to explain this so far downstream, maybe I *should* apologize so we can let it go….

are you the puppy i was kicking? this is debate and i had every right to post that information, regardless of what's in your mind. sarcasm?

well i just took it one step further and that's okay.
THAT was revealing…not *news*, but people need to be reminded: it’s not his *faith* he’s defending there, he’s defending the things HE has faith in. He demands the child accept his pronouncements about the things he has faith in WITHOUT QUESTION.

It’s the ‘one true religion’ myth (a character flaw common to monotheisms): I can say anything I like about your bogus heathen ‘religion’ - but you can’t say ANYTHING about mine, nor question anything *I* say about it BECAUSE IT’S REAL. YOUR FAITH MEANS NOTHING SO YOU MEAN NOTHING. You must respect me. I have no obligation or desire to respect you.

sort of like the dividing line between “real” citizens and “fake” citizens….

similar to Muslim thought of Jesus as just a man while Allah is only true god.
I made a visit to Reddit yesterday and checked out what the conservatives were saying. I almost puked. So many of them are posting adoring missives about MLK and nearly all of them are quoting his "content of their character not the color of their skin" quote and twisting it to be against any sort of recognition of racism. For once I wished that the moderators weren't so diligent about removing offensive posts. There are hundreds of deletions that would have given more insight into how they really feel.

Mod God is guilty of it too here..we would know more. You're right about Reddit being one puke fest though.

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People still complaining about the 'other side'? fawk
What's the name of the thread?
There are two sides, patriots who support the constitution and rule of law in a liberal democracy and racist driven fascists who support authoritarian rule by a minority, they are called republicans these days. Remember that they went to bed with the Russians and Trump was Putin's puppet, Russia is a hostile foreign power that has thousands of nukes pointed at you, nobody else does.

Nobody is complaining about the republicans here, we are pointing out why they are unfit for power and why most of their supporters are unfit for the franchise.
They are: Willfully ignorant, Greed-driven, liars, hypocrites, petty, care more about themselves than anyone else, lack common sense, reject anything that doesn’t fit into their little day-to-day box, confused about fascism vs. freedom, they use religion as a weapon, they cry about liberty while writing laws that disenfranchise minorities and women, and try to tell people what and who they can and can’t do in the privacy of their own bedrooms, they call themselves patriots while attacking the Capitol and trying to steal your right to vote, and they call themselves brave while carrying guns everywhere and choosing to do nothing when those guns are used to mow down children.

Republicans never used to be like this, they have devolved into this putrid puddle of selfish, greed-driven, cynicism, violence, anger, and hate. You watch any movie and they are the cliche “bad guy,” in almost every film.

The only thing that seems to motivate them anymore is getting off on ruining someone else’s day/week/year/life because they’re unhappy in their own.

Elected Republicans are opportunistic assholes who prey on the anger of ignorant, xenophobic Republican red necks. They work them up into a frenzy so they’ll donate every last dollar and vote. This is all perpetuated by a parasitic relationship between the smart malicious Republican politician manipulating the ignorant and weak minded Republican Redneck who’s just happy to have someone telling them they’re smart and winking at them when they roll their 350lb carcass by on a rascal with an O2 bottle, a flag, a Big Gulp, and sign that says Trump.

Our country is literally on the brink of moral collapse from a group of people who grit their bloody teeth about being Christian and patriotic, but act nothing like either of these things.

FOX News plays their part profiting from and supporting this gross institution by stuffing garbage into the feeble minds of their viewers which lack the ability to think critically. They just become addicted to anger and the dopamine response from seeing messaging that reaffirms that, the fear/hatred they feel in their good Christian heart for anyone not like them, is okay. There’s no need to do better, try harder, or be better because God and the Political puppet masters think they’re special just they way they are… Oh and also don’t forget to buy this product, send in a campaign contribution, and tithe to your mega pastor so they can wet their beaks and buy a luxury jet.

THAT is why today’s Republican politicians suck, are dangerous, and why they are no longer fit to lead this country. They only want to exploit it for their own gain.
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