Why do Republicans suck?

.I guess you think everyone in the war owned some one..
No, not everyone in South owned another Human Being, commonly called a Slave, but those that didn't fought alongside those that did, fighting to maintain that fucked up way of life.
Call the Civil War whatever you want in your delusional mind, it was an act of Treason & an attack on the Constitution of the United States.
Defend that, Cracker
(Oh, and by the way,
The North FUCKED YOU UP!!!!!
Well it time to go kill a couple deer . I will think about ya'll when i do..
As someone not employed, I salute a strict anti-inflation policy. Fixed incomes always suffer from underestimating inflation in e.g. the cost of living index. Changes in employment do not benefit me at all.
Truckers, hospital staff, retail staff, all make me think you did not take a lot of time to consider if that last sentence makes sense.

I guess you know someone that is owned now! Born In The Heart of DIXIE.. Nobody i know has ever owned anyone..And still fly Flag..The flag does mean something else to Yankees ..You aren't Born Here. Flag to Me has nothing to do with Hate...Heritage
'Heritage' is bullshit. The only heritage of that flag is to be hateful losers.

The rich..The ones that owned the slaves..Average farmer didn't own anything but a farm..What about all the rest of the people that fought...It wasn't because they all wanted slaves...And everyone flies the flag here..Just go to B ham. Where they kill each other and no one cares..Get out in the Country that dont happen..
Nope, but all those 'average farmers' also got to spit on the black people and force them to bend a knee to them at the snap of a finger.
Good Buy Staff Gone Hunting.. on my land..
How many people were murdered for you to be able to call it 'yours'?

Also what is a good buy staff?